Luka Petrovic
@lupetalo on, @Luka Petrovic on Slack
- Member Since: December 8th, 2009
- Location: Belgrade, Serbia
- Website:
- Job Title: Web Developer
- Employer: Toptal
Contribution History
Luka Petrovic’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Suggested 46 strings on
Translated 2 strings on
Reviewed 2 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Posted a reply to Manually triggered emails are wrapped two times, on the site Forums:
@britner Thanks for checking. All emails (test email included) are working as expected. Here is… -
Created a topic, Manually triggered emails are wrapped two times, on the site Forums:
Hello, I am triggering woocommerce manually (user is … -
Posted a reply to Site Having Technical Difficulties, on the site Forums:
@binayt rolling back to 1.5.3 solves the issue. You can download previous versions here:… -
Posted a reply to Site Having Technical Difficulties, on the site Forums:
Similar issue: Warning: require_once(/home/xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra1//includes/panel/scripts.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bstreetcollision/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra1/includes/panel/theme-panel.php… -
Posted a reply to Select Form Field: Placeholder option?, on the site Forums:
@fighterit Don't forget to put required also. It must work... -
Posted a reply to Remove notification, on the site Forums:
I do not agree with you. Thanks for your time. Btw great plugin. -
Posted a reply to Remove notification, on the site Forums:
Thanks, but, in most cases, I am ok with older versions. But I am not… -
Created a topic, Remove notification, on the site Forums:
How can I remove this notification? EWWW Image Optimiz… -
Created a topic, Works as intended, but…, on the site Forums:
This is a great plugin to show how to create Elementor… -
Posted a reply to Custom Fields Import, on the site Forums:
So I got a Pro version from a friend to test. The same import on… -
Created a topic, Custom Fields Import, on the site Forums:
What is the catch to importing custom fields? All fiel… -
Posted a reply to Select Form Field: Placeholder option?, on the site Forums:
This is marked as resolved but no solution is provided. So here is one option.… -
Posted a reply to Responsive issues, on the site Forums:
I do not want to do that, this is an opensource plugin, and this is… -
Created a topic, json-rest-api plugin not avealable, on the site Forums:
Plugin that you need:… -
Posted a reply to Butterbean is not defined? Elementor is not opening, on the site Forums:
The issue is related to some php error in a child theme. Its hard to… -
Posted a reply to Butterbean is not defined? Elementor is not opening, on the site Forums:
@ben Whu Is this closed? I have the same issue. -
Created a topic, Responsive issues, on the site Forums:
How to solve the issue with horizontal scrolling creat… -
Created a topic, Responsive issues, on the site Forums:
How to solve issues with horizontal scroll while using… -
Created a topic, Simple and Usefull, on the site Forums:
Quite useful. -
Committed [1785033] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Created a topic, [FG Drupal to WordPress] Works!, on the site Forums:
It Works! I had some trouble due to the long PHP opera… -
Created a topic, Test, on the site Forums:
Test -
Created a topic, [MyMail SendGrid Integration] Why not using API key, on the site Forums:
Why this plugin needs my sendgrid username and passwor… -
Committed [1319718] to Plugins SVN:
Version Fix -
Committed [1319717] to Plugins SVN:
Prevented some code from being 'WET', added additional checks for IP. -
Committed [1318230] to Plugins SVN:
Dont show empty items on admin page -
Committed [1318226] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fix -
Released a new plugin, Favicon on external URLs
Committed [1318222] to Plugins SVN:
initial -
Committed [1317620] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fix -
Released a new plugin, Favicon on external URLs
Committed [1317528] to Plugins SVN:
Initial -
Committed [1273876] to Plugins SVN:
info added -
Committed [1273871] to Plugins SVN:
Delete old file -
Committed [1273867] to Plugins SVN:
Update version numbers -
Committed [1273866] to Plugins SVN:
Added function prefix fysq_ (Thanks to megamurmulis) -
Committed [1273861] to Plugins SVN:
Name changed according to new plugins naming guidelines. (Thanks to Pippin ... -
Committed [1260833] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fix -
Committed [1257283] to Plugins SVN:
Added filter for meta Description (Thanks to ProX666) -
Committed [916559] to Plugins SVN:
Another update on Readme -
Committed [916555] to Plugins SVN:
Another update on Readme -
Committed [915021] to Plugins SVN:
Another update on Readme -
Committed [915020] to Plugins SVN:
Another update on Readme -
Committed [915019] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin URL fix -
Committed [915006] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fix -
Committed [915003] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fix
Fix for Yoast SEO and qTranslate/qTranslateX
Active Installs: 300+
IP Login
Active Installs: 10+
Српски језик (Serbian) Plugins Translation Editor - #sr_RS
Simple Image Sizes
Active Installs: 70,000+