@lucawater on
- Member Since: April 17th, 2014
Contribution History
lucawater’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1324005] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file with announcement -
Committed [1324002] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file with announcement -
Committed [1279525] to Plugins SVN:
Add basic settings page stlying -
Committed [1279466] to Plugins SVN:
Add custom login functions -
Committed [1279427] to Plugins SVN:
Reorganize css -
Committed [1279414] to Plugins SVN:
Fix basic option saving -
Committed [1278689] to Plugins SVN:
Tweak styling -
Committed [1278524] to Plugins SVN:
Added new style for settings -
Committed [1232902] to Plugins SVN:
Rebuild settings page -
Committed [1183364] to Plugins SVN:
add slug box support -
Committed [1183321] to Plugins SVN:
tweak woocommerce pip btn -
Committed [1183319] to Plugins SVN:
add woocommerce pip btn -
Committed [1183314] to Plugins SVN:
add woocommerce reload btn -
Committed [1177259] to Plugins SVN:
fix post submit buttons -
Committed [1176823] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1176816] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1176812] to Plugins SVN:
tag version 1.0.1 -
Committed [1176809] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1176805] to Plugins SVN:
fix z-indexes -
Committed [1176798] to Plugins SVN:
tweak wpcontent -
Committed [1176794] to Plugins SVN:
tweak post boxes -
Committed [1176788] to Plugins SVN:
change wysiwyg view switches -
Committed [1176765] to Plugins SVN:
tweak filter -
Committed [1176745] to Plugins SVN:
delete old button file -
Committed [1176742] to Plugins SVN:
clean up files -
Committed [1176737] to Plugins SVN:
fix button's imparaties -
Committed [1145482] to Plugins SVN:
added thumbnail icon -
Committed [1143145] to Plugins SVN:
changed mime types -
Committed [1142560] to Plugins SVN:
added new tags -
Committed [1142067] to Plugins SVN:
added new banner image -
Committed [1142062] to Plugins SVN:
added banner image -
Committed [1142059] to Plugins SVN:
changed dir name in installation step 1 -
Committed [1142058] to Plugins SVN:
added descriptions to screenshots -
Committed [1142057] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshots -
Committed [1142052] to Plugins SVN:
adding first version
Tamed Admin Theme
Active Installs: 200+