Lee Peterson
@lpeterson23 on WordPress.org
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: February 17th, 2009
- Location: Charleston, SC
- Website: buffalogroupe.com
- GitHub: leepeterson
- Job Title: full-stack WP dev
- Employer: Buffalo Groupe
Created a topic, PluginURL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
In lightgallery/lightgallery.php on line 37, PluginURL… -
Created a topic, Very Much Needed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Seriously exciting stuff here! Routing! Offline! Cachi… -
Created a topic, Bugs. So. Many. Bugs., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
A critical bug in version 2.1.7 of WP-Stateless marks … -
Created a topic, Dead Plugin – Please Update Description Noting Plugin is No Longer Being Updated, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Reference this topic for an abbreviated description of… -
Wrote a comment on the post Introducing Twenty Nineteen, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Moving towards a PostCSS-based stylesheet workflow would be a nice addition, IMHO. While I'm happy… -
Wrote a comment on the post Regarding Accessibility in Gutenberg, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Thank you for this update, @matveb, and thanks to all for focusing on these much-needed…
Affiliate Program Suite — SliceWP Affiliates
Async JavaScript
Cache control by Cacholong
Create Block Theme
Eight Day Week Print Workflow
GTM4WP - A Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin for WordPress
Lazy Load
Log HTTP Requests
Material Design for WordPress
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculators WP
Pods Alternative Cache
Safe SVG
SearchWP Live Ajax Search
Simple Mortgage Calculator
Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator
Slides & Presentations
Swift Performance Lite
User Profile Builder - Beautiful User Registration Forms, User Profiles & User Role Editor
WordPress Playground Block
WP Webhooks - Automate repetitive tasks by creating powerful automation workflows directly within WordPress
WP YouTube Lyte
WPWH - WP Reset Webhook Integration