Committed [1342643] to Plugins SVN:
* corrected versioning issue -
Committed [1342641] to Plugins SVN:
* corrected versioning issue -
Committed [1342497] to Plugins SVN:
* added demo link -
Committed [1342495] to Plugins SVN:
* Added demo link -
Committed [1321240] to Plugins SVN:
* Tested on wp v4.4 -
Committed [1321239] to Plugins SVN:
* Tested on wp v4.4 -
Committed [1299161] to Plugins SVN:
-adding tags/1.0.2 -
Committed [1299158] to Plugins SVN:
-fixed problem with plugin path -
Committed [1299152] to Plugins SVN:
-adding tags/1.0.1 -
Committed [1299134] to Plugins SVN:
-adding lingumania-website-translation 1.0.1