Committed [1796217] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [1796206] to Plugins SVN:
Readme update -
Committed [1794858] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Posted a reply to Thanks for a good plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks you for the review! Wish you all the best with your projects :-) -
Posted a reply to Very good!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks you for the good review. We are trying our best! -
Committed [1792331] to Plugins SVN:
Readme.txt update in tags/2.0 -
Committed [1792298] to Plugins SVN:
Assets uploaded. Readme.txt updated. -
Committed [1791114] to Plugins SVN:
Tag 2.0.0 version -
Committed [1791110] to Plugins SVN:
First upload the plugin files v.2.0.0