@larsvonhierblau on
- Member Since: February 23rd, 2016
Contribution History
larsvonhierblau’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Uncaught Error, on the site Forums:
I totally understand this. I just checked and it seems to be solved. I overwrote… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught Error, on the site Forums:
I asked my client and he isnt keen on sharing it before its life. Thats… -
Created a topic, Uncaught Error, on the site Forums:
After disabeling the premium features for woocommerce … -
Created a topic, WP CLI CRON EVENT NEEDS SKIP WOOCOMMERCE, on the site Forums:
Running : wp cron event run --all or wp cron event --… -
Posted a reply to Error: Live Log did not receive the expected response from your server, on the site Forums:
Seems to be gone. No idea what it was :D -
Posted a reply to Error: Live Log did not receive the expected response from your server, on the site Forums:
Error was in a large IP BLock -
Posted a reply to Error: Live Log did not receive the expected response from your server, on the site Forums:
if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/') !== FALSE) {define('NFW_UWL', true);return 'ALLOW';} if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/wp-content/plugins/wp-2fa/') !== FALSE) {define('NFW_UWL', true);return… -
Created a topic, Error: Live Log did not receive the expected response from your server, on the site Forums:
Lately, I have encountered an issue where the plugin s… -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
[STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call … -
Posted a reply to This 2.0 update messed up my whole website, on the site Forums:
I had the view.php file issue as well. I used wp rollback on top of… -
Posted a reply to This 2.0 update messed up my whole website, on the site Forums:
same issues. Update kept loading. After server reboot and some time the site was back.… -
Posted a reply to You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Reason: empty access, on the site Forums:
The issue is solved with the beta you attached. Big thanks for the fast and… -
Created a topic, You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Reason: empty access, on the site Forums:
Hi, we are having an invoice issue where it would show… -
Created a topic, Incompatibel with Blocksy Theme, on the site Forums:
Tested it on local dev. and it seems like the followin… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
Just to let you know the result after 1 hour of testing and solving it.… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
Thanks for your suggestion. Truly appreciate it. For now, I will revert this to the… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
I did downgrade it's not related to the woocommerce update. However, I installed another older… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
On all digital orders. I tested it now with adding back the country and address… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
I will check on this, but it's rather common to not have address fields present… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
A billing address is not required hence these are digital products so it was removed… -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
I just replied above -
Posted a reply to Problem: The response is not a valid JSON response., on the site Forums:
Getting something similar and in the logs for wc-ppcp is written: Error Error creating PayPal… -
Posted a reply to Showing other users information, on the site Forums:
Hi, this issue could be caused by several things. One would be, you are using… -
Posted a reply to Woocommerce Amount Selected, on the site Forums:
Hi Eduard, you guys are really fast. Big compliment. I can confirm the Beta fixes… -
Created a topic, Woocommerce Amount Selected, on the site Forums:
Hi Team, the last update breaks the layout for the woo… -
Created a topic, Parameter_unknown – level3 on Stripe, on the site Forums:
Hi guys, I saw this topic has been closed over 1 year … -
Created a topic, Litespeed Cache Wildcard, on the site Forums:
Hi, this is lars from litespeed. Just wanted to let yo… -
Created a topic, Donwload Button and Membership + caching, on the site Forums:
Hi, I actually have your pro version but I wanted to p… -
Created a topic, Quick View issue, on the site Forums:
Hi, just wanted to let you know that you seem to have … -
Posted a reply to Country Code payment error, on the site Forums:
Hi, just to follow up since the latest beta i got from your support the… -
Created a topic, [WooCommerce PayPal Payments] Country Code payment error, on the site Forums:
Hi, I am using the Beta which fixes the refund bug rel… -
Posted a reply to Refund API Error, on the site Forums:
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have tested it and it seems to work for… -
Posted a reply to Refund API Error, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your reply and the solution. I grab the country via GEO IP for… -
Posted a reply to Refund API Error, on the site Forums:
The exact error is: An error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the… -
Created a topic, Refund API Error, on the site Forums:
Hi, i saw you seem to have the same issue encountered … -
Created a topic, Checkout Field Check too late, on the site Forums:
Hi, the check if the checkout fields like Name, mail e… -
Created a topic, Woocommerce Card Wishlist issue, on the site Forums:
Hi, I am making with this really fantastic theme in a … -
Posted a reply to Heavy Bug in combination with S3, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to still enable it? Or what's the hard limit for file… -
Created a topic, Heavy Bug in combination with S3, on the site Forums:
Hi, you seem to have a major bug. I have the Pro Versi… -
Posted a reply to PHP Error with S3, on the site Forums:
Hi @davidanderson thank you very much! I before didn't add the define (..) on the… -
Posted a reply to PHP Error with S3, on the site Forums:
Hi, @davidanderson the issues seems to be related to /tmp space of ubunutu. Updraft seems… -
Posted a reply to PHP Error with S3, on the site Forums:
Hi, I tried but it didn't help. The Upload and execution works now but seems… -
Created a topic, PHP Error with S3, on the site Forums:
Hi I'm getting this error message. PHP event: code E_N… -
Created a topic, Recaptcha in Popup is blocked, on the site Forums:
Hi guys, just to let you know, in your account modal, … -
Posted a reply to Live Search, on the site Forums:
Ah also one of my clients who's purchased your theme, thats why i am writing… -
Created a topic, Live Search, on the site Forums:
Hi, just a quick question regarding your live search f… -
Posted a reply to woo.woff2 included fonts, on the site Forums:
Wow you guys are really fast and amazing!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the help.… -
Created a topic, woo.woff2 included fonts, on the site Forums:
Hi, first of all blocksy is amazing. I am just testing… -
Posted a reply to New Update 5.7 crashed the whole page, on the site Forums:
@beyondaries use ftp and put - this in front of the folder name of woocommerce… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce stopped working today, on the site Forums:
I can reach your site. It’s just slow