@lamas525 on
- Member Since: May 16th, 2014
Contribution History
lamas525’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to funkce pro odeslání objednávky do zásilkovny, on the site Forums:
Zdravím, Děkuji za zájem a to že chcete takovou funkci udělat. V podstatě používáme tedka… -
Created a topic, funkce pro odeslání objednávky do zásilkovny, on the site Forums:
Zdravím, Potřeboval bych nějak docílit toho aby šla… -
Posted a reply to Packeta není v možnosti přepravy, on the site Forums:
Dobrý den, Nechci za nikoho odpovídat. Nicméně sem stejně pošlu nějaké svoje myšlenky. Podle mě… -
Posted a reply to Packeta není v možnosti přepravy, on the site Forums:
Dobrý den, Měl jsem obdobný problém. Vyřešilo se to tím že jsem přidanou dopravu Zásilkovna… -
Created a topic, Code to check if product is in wishlist, on the site Forums:
Hey there, I am trying to write my custom code for bu… -
Posted a reply to the key is not generated if the product is downloadable, on the site Forums:
Good luck with that. Looking forward to new version, especially if there is function to… -
Posted a reply to the key is not generated if the product is downloadable, on the site Forums:
IS there any premium version that supports that? I tried to replicate this problem without… -
Posted a reply to the key is not generated if the product is downloadable, on the site Forums:
Any news? -
Posted a reply to the key is not generated if the product is downloadable, on the site Forums:
Hello again, Sorry for late response. I did few screenshots to explain what is happening.… -
Created a topic, the key is not generated if the product is downloadable, on the site Forums:
Hello there, I came across some problem. When i have … -
Created a topic, Licence subscription, on the site Forums:
Hey there, I am trying to do licencing for my persona…