
  • Member Since: August 15th, 2015
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  • Posted a reply to Only the first slide is showing, on the site Forums:
    And what can we do for those of us who have the same problem, but…

  • Created a topic, Several weeks ago I made it a point to remove date from the Google SERP. I trie, on the site Forums:
    Several weeks ago I made it a point to remove date fro…

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    Following these tips I have managed to enter the post, make changes directly in the…

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your help and the time you spend to solve this problem. This…

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I am not using the Gutenberg plugin, as I use the native Gutenberg that…

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    The Google Chrome console tells me this: Reloading editor by PublishPress Blocks pluginblocks.min.js?ver=69022aed79bfd45b3b1d:10 Updated Block:…

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    It's the 3.1.1 version.

  • Posted a reply to White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    Effectively I tried. As I mentioned yesterday, that blocked white screen appears with absolutely all…

  • Created a topic, White screen stuck when I edit some posts, on the site Forums:
    My problem has been going on for more or less a year. …

  • Posted a reply to Código PHP que no termina de funcionar como me gustaría, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola, @kallookoo. Tengo que decirte que eres una auténtica máquina. Ese código ha resuelto exactamente…

  • Created a topic, Código PHP que no termina de funcionar como me gustaría, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola. He añadido el siguiente código php para hacer d…

  • Posted a reply to Tras actualizar PHP me aparecen errores, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Bueno, pues he bajado a una versión de PHP más antigua y han desaparecido casi…

  • Created a topic, Tras actualizar PHP me aparecen errores, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes. Tenía que actualizar una web que antes…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove that canonical URL from the code of one post?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I have to say that I have solved the problem in the following post:…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes y noticias. He vaciado caché, he desactivado el plugin W3 Total Cache, y…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove that canonical URL from the code of one post?, on the site Forums:
    Hello Maybellyne. First of all, thanks for replying. But I wish this incident had a…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola. He eliminado la redirección en el .htaccess y he comprobado que en Yoast no…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola. Centrándonos en el 4) (los otros puntos, que son secundarios, los estudiaré más adelante)…

  • Created a topic, How can I remove that canonical URL from the code of one post?, on the site Forums:
    I have a problem, and it is that in the code of https:…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Ajam. 1) Entiendo que es recomendable tener URL canónica, pero la URL canónica de…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Uhmm... :/ Pero, según me dijo soporte de Ahrefs, el error se produce porque en…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola. No puedo quitarla con Yoast, porque en Yoast aparece en blanco el campo de…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola. Ante todo, gracias por responder. He estado buscando la cadena de la URL con…

  • Created a topic, ¿Cómo quito una URL canónica?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    En el código de un post concreto de mi sitio web apare…

  • Posted a reply to Very specific failure with the thumbnail of a single post., on the site Forums:
    Hi Tristan. A few minutes ago I wrote to the e-mail you indicated. Thank you…

  • Posted a reply to Very specific failure with the thumbnail of a single post., on the site Forums:
    Sorry for my ignorance. What is tristan?

  • Posted a reply to Featured images for category pages, on the site Forums:
    Hello, thanks for answering. I already work with a child theme. But exactly where in…

  • Posted a reply to Very specific failure with the thumbnail of a single post., on the site Forums:
    Trying to do what you told me, I sadly found that the contact form had…

  • Created a topic, Featured images for category pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I have assigned a featured image to a blog …

  • Posted a reply to Very specific failure with the thumbnail of a single post., on the site Forums:
    Hi there. Thanks for answering. I use Polylang for translations. If you notice, the failure…

  • Created a topic, Very specific failure with the thumbnail of a single post., on the site Forums:
    On the blog page of my website I have included a grid …

  • Created a topic, checkbox for cookies does not appear, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I have entered Settings > Comments and I…

  • Created a topic, Progressive discounts applied to variable products with diferent sizes., on the site Forums:
    Hello. How can the progressive discounts of this plugi…

  • Posted a reply to “Incorrect syntax for mailbox”, due to an accented letter O., on the site Forums:
    I have resolved this issue with your help. Thanks a lot.

  • Created a topic, “Incorrect syntax for mailbox”, due to an accented letter O., on the site Forums:
    Hello. I have an e-mail address that contains an acce…

  • Created a topic, I can’t translate “Related posts” to the basque., on the site Forums:
    Hello. I have a website in Spanish and Basque. When I …

  • Posted a reply to I cannot make changes to the configuration., on the site Forums:
    Hello. Thanks for answering. No error appears when I try to make any configuration changes.…

  • Created a topic, I cannot make changes to the configuration., on the site Forums:
    I select 4 columns and 4 news, instead of 3 columns an…

  • Created a topic, flags of both languages do not appear in my list of footers, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I hope to find help in this forum, because I ca…

  • Created a topic, A very useful plugin, on the site Forums:
    A very functional plugin that I use very often. In fac…

  • Created a topic, Imprescindible, on the site Forums:
    Desconozco si habrá otro plugin mejor que este para e…