Committed [3225850] to Plugins SVN:
Update global tags even no product tags are assigned -
Committed [3221227] to Plugins SVN:
Send Attribute only if there is a value -
Committed [3208829] to Plugins SVN:
Update code -
Committed [3208828] to Plugins SVN:
New Version 1.6 mit Meta Feldern -
Committed [3208826] to Plugins SVN:
WooCommerce Product Meta Felder hinzugefügt -
Committed [3168031] to Plugins SVN:
Update version -
Committed [3168030] to Plugins SVN:
Manager Plugin integriert und globale Produkt Felder ergänzt -
Committed [3160748] to Plugins SVN:
Testet on Wordpress 6.6.2 new -
Committed [3160745] to Plugins SVN:
Getestet auf Wordpress 6.6.2 -
Committed [3160736] to Plugins SVN:
Globale Tags Einstellung um die Funktion In Warenkorb hinzufügen erweitert -
Committed [3158460] to Plugins SVN:
Mehrere Tags an Klick Tipp übertragen möglich, beim Produkte in den ... -
Committed [3158405] to Plugins SVN:
Produkt in Warenkorb ablegen übertragt einen Tag nach Klick Tipp -
Committed [3147730] to Plugins SVN:
FooEvents Start und Enddatum als Produkt Felder integriert -
Committed [3142526] to Plugins SVN:
Testet WP Version 6.6.1 -
Committed [3142221] to Plugins SVN:
Connect WooCommerce Produkt Settings Fields with Klick Tipp Contact Fields -
Committed [3060578] to Plugins SVN:
Change klick tipp from http to https -
Committed [2931010] to Plugins SVN:
Connect coupon codes with tags and send tags depending of the order ... -
Committed [2856146] to Plugins SVN:
Added new position for checkout box -
Committed [2855796] to Plugins SVN:
New feature for checkbox during checkout: checkbox position -
Committed [2849698] to Plugins SVN:
update trunk for the domain correction -
Committed [2849689] to Plugins SVN:
Check domain without prefix like http or www -
Committed [2848486] to Plugins SVN:
update trunk files to 1.0.3 -
Committed [2847661] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed php if set empty array error -
Committed [2845766] to Plugins SVN:
update trunk -
Committed [2845756] to Plugins SVN:
4 errors fixed -
Committed [2845223] to Plugins SVN:
Upload new version tag 1.0.1 -
Committed [2842531] to Plugins SVN:
upload screenshots -
Committed [2842528] to Plugins SVN:
clean code, version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2842524] to Plugins SVN:
upload plugin icon-256x256 -
Committed [2840713] to Plugins SVN:
First commit of the plugin -
Created a topic, best pagebuilder ever!!!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
i love this pagebuilder! best in the world!