
  • Member Since: May 18th, 2018
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  • Posted a reply to Order Details for Affiliates, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much for responding, if you could show the name, product email, order…

  • Created a topic, Order Details for Affiliates, on the site Forums:
    Order Details for Affiliates Affiliatewp allowed yo…

  • Created a topic, CSS Checkbox and Radio Version Pro, on the site Forums:
    Hello, any solution to the problem of CSS that does no…

  • Created a topic, Tera Wallet + SliceWP Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Tera Wallet + SliceWP Plugin It is possible to send…

  • Created a topic, Impresionante! Fácil, Rápido y Potente!, on the site Forums:
    Impresionante! Trabaja muy bien!

  • Created a topic, Credit Products, on the site Forums:
    Give balance to customer for the purchase of a specifi…

  • Created a topic, Add balance to the Wallet through the purchase of a product, on the site Forums:
    I would like to know how I can add balance to the Wall…

  • Created a topic, Love it, on the site Forums:
    Light, Friendly, Beautiful. A great job!

  • Posted a reply to Eliminar Palabra WordPress “Acceder “siteName” – WordPress” del Titulo Pestaña, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Muchas Gracias!!!!!!

  • Created a topic, Eliminar Palabra WordPress “Acceder “siteName” – WordPress” del Titulo Pestaña, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Quiero eliminar la palabra WordPress que aparece en el…

  • Created a topic, Mapeo Dominio Multisitio, on the site Foros de soporte:
    El mapeo del multisitio ya es nativo, no se necesita d…

  • Posted a reply to Limitar- Restringir Opcion de Crear Sitios para miembros en WordPress MultiSite, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias amigo! Pero si me interesa que la opcion de crear sitios este Habilitada lo…

  • Created a topic, Limitar- Restringir Opcion de Crear Sitios para miembros en WordPress MultiSite, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Veran quiero limitar la opcion de que incluso suscript…