Kartik Dholariya
@kartikdholariya on WordPress.org
- Member Since: March 11th, 2019
- GitHub: kartikpatel-dev
- Job Title: Senior Software Developer
Contribution History
Kartik Dholariya’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2256037] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin tested upto 5.4 -
Committed [2256035] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 5.4 -
Committed [2135345] to Plugins SVN:
Error fix -
Committed [2126607] to Plugins SVN:
icon-128x128.png -
Committed [2126577] to Plugins SVN:
sc 2 -
Committed [2126574] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot 2 -
Committed [2126570] to Plugins SVN:
done fianl -
Committed [2126567] to Plugins SVN:
assets -
Committed [2126564] to Plugins SVN:
fianlise -
Committed [2126535] to Plugins SVN:
Done -
Committed [2126534] to Plugins SVN:
trunck -
Committed [2126533] to Plugins SVN:
done -
Committed [2126531] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [2126529] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [2126527] to Plugins SVN:
committe final -
Committed [2064781] to Plugins SVN:
New Plugin code upload -
Committed [2058641] to Plugins SVN:
Assets update -
Committed [2058638] to Plugins SVN:
First version -
Committed [2058637] to Plugins SVN:
Added New Plugins
Logos Carousel Slider
Active Installs: Less than 10
Testimonial Slider
Active Installs: 10+