Kris Kelvin
@kanlukasz on
- Member Since: February 29th, 2016
Contribution History
Kris Kelvin’s badges:- Core Contributor
Posted a reply to How to disable “Automatic…” in debug.log, on the site Forums:
The simplest solution: deactivate debug mode. No, that’s not the solution. Many developers use .log… -
Posted a reply to Spurious automatic updates starting messages, on the site Forums:
The simplest solution: deactivate debug mode. No, that's not the solution. Many developers use .log… -
Posted a reply to Capabilities for duplicate products, on the site Forums:
As you've noticed, I'm asking about specific capabilities. I know how to create roles/caps. I… -
Created a topic, Capabilities for duplicate products, on the site Forums:
I would like to add capabilities for a custom role so … -
Mentioned in [54496] on Core SVN:
Query: Avoid PHP notices when `get_queried_object()` returns `null`. -
Posted a reply to Possibility to simplify the attributes import schema, on the site Forums:
I know there are a few plugins to handle this but I'm looking for a… -
Created a topic, Possibility to simplify the attributes import schema, on the site Forums:
I would like to import a CSV file of products. From wh… -
Created a topic, Default csv importer as cron job, on the site Forums:
Hello Is it possible to use default CSV importer as c… -
Posted a reply to WC CLI list name field to json with special characters, on the site Forums:
This topic deals with encoding problems in the database, not the CLI. My database has… -
Posted a reply to WC CLI list name field to json with special characters, on the site Forums:
### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Site address (URL): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WC Version: 6.0.0… -
Created a topic, WC CLI list name field to json with special characters, on the site Forums:
I am trying to use WooCommerce CLI to display only pro… -
Created a topic, Removing unwanted panels inside InspectorControls from core Gutenberg blocks, on the site Forums:
If I want to extend the core block I can use Block Fil… -
Wrote a comment on the post Introducing theme.json in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I am interested in where I can find out what is the list of options… -
Created a topic, theme.json settings for specific block, on the site Forums:
Hello As a new theme.json functionality has been rele… -
Created a topic, Filtering of prices on the list of products that come from shortcode, on the site Forums:
Introduction: Woocommerce uses $_GET variables such a… -
Posted a reply to Disable the ability to change shipping method on the checkout page, on the site Forums:
Hi @rynald0s Thank you for your answer. Doing something like this with CSS is like… -
Created a topic, Disable the ability to change shipping method on the checkout page, on the site Forums:
I would like to disable the ability to change shipping… -
Created ticket #51837 on Core Trac:
Adding `add_theme_support` for html5 for scripts, does not remove the ... -
Created a topic, For custom templates, is it better to use `template_include` or `type_template`?, on the site Forums:
I saw a lot of questions about including custom views … -
Created a topic, Allow core Gutenberg blocks selection only when you are inside a custom block, on the site Forums:
By adding a new post, we have access to all core block… -
Created a topic, How to allow core blocks selection only when you are inside a custom inner block, on the site Forums:
In some situations I need to hide core Gutenberg block… -
Posted a reply to `wp_set_script_translations` with `wp.i18n` does not return translated strings, on the site Forums:
A simple change - dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/' inside wp_set_script_translations() function _(3rd argument)_ to - plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)… -
Created a topic, `wp_set_script_translations` with `wp.i18n` does not return translated strings, on the site Forums:
Short description: I try to translate strings in JS f… -
Created a topic, How to disable all keyboard shortcuts in new WordPress Gutenberg editor, on the site Forums:
The new Wordpress content editor (Gutenberg) has a lot… -
Posted a reply to Disable items from ‘More tools & options’ in blocks for non admin users, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your reply. My concerns: 1. There is a concern that other core… -
Posted a reply to Block Settings Menu : Is there a way to remove items from settings menu?, on the site Forums:
Good question. I am also looking for a solution. It is inconceivable that it is… -
Posted a reply to How to disable Code Editor for non admin users, on the site Forums:
Ok , i found it Doc: Git: Key responsible: codeEditingEnabled -
Created a topic, How to disable Code Editor for non admin users, on the site Forums:
In Gutenberg we have a Visual Editor and Code Editor. … -
Created a topic, Disable items from ‘More tools & options’ in blocks for non admin users, on the site Forums:
I would like to hide/disable items from "More tools &a… -
Posted a reply to wpcf7_form_action_url and AJAX, on the site Forums:
After thorough testing, I see that "WPCF7_LOAD_JS" is not a problem. The problem is wpcf7_form_action_url… -
Created a topic, wpcf7_form_action_url and AJAX, on the site Forums:
Hello, I am trying to use the wpcf7_form_action_url f… -
Created a topic, How to pass POST data to another subpage after submitting the form, on the site Forums:
I would like to pass data to another subpage after sub… -
Created a topic, Very smart, on the site Forums:
Very smart Many filters, many modification options Goo… -
Created a topic, Błąd w dokumentacji, on the site Forums:
Cześć, Masz niedomknięte nawiasy w dokumentacji: W t… -
Created a topic, Lifesaver, on the site Forums:
A great addon. Keep up to date as long as you can -
Created a topic, Wonderfull, on the site Forums:
From my point of view - without ACF, wordpress don't h… -
Posted a reply to Awful. It has no future., on the site Forums:
He said what is better - this is MVC - thing that wordpress does not… -
Posted a reply to Don’t try to fix what’s not broken, on the site Forums:
In fact, old editor had a problem for dynamic change in layouts, BUT we all… -
Created a topic, I have to say – no!, on the site Forums:
As a senior/mid php developer i have to say - VERY BAD… -
Posted a reply to Last Update – problem with add images – TypeError, on the site Forums:
ok, I will consider your point of view Anyway i will make some tests today.… -
Posted a reply to Last Update – problem with add images – TypeError, on the site Forums:
i made quick test and its look like you right. I think good idea will… -
Posted a reply to Last Update – problem with add images – TypeError, on the site Forums:
No but i have blocked rest api in htaccess, is that a problem? My code:… -
Posted a reply to Last Update – problem with add images – TypeError, on the site Forums:
Hi Anton As I wrote, these are the latest versions WP 4.9.7 Woo 3.4.4 note… -
Created a topic, Last Update – problem with add images – TypeError, on the site Forums:
After latest update i have a problem with your plugin … -
Created a topic, Can’t control grid class (ex. col-md, lg), on the site Forums:
Hello, Your plugin is really great and thanks for tha…