Julian Yanover
@julianyanover on WordPress.org
- Member Since: January 14th, 2008
- Website: wpsummarize.com
Committed [670020] to Plugins SVN:
blank -
Committed [670017] to Plugins SVN:
fix in readme.txt to display the code -
Committed [670013] to Plugins SVN:
small change with the author -
Committed [670010] to Plugins SVN:
trying to display the update link in the plugins wp page -
Committed [670008] to Plugins SVN:
old version -
Committed [670007] to Plugins SVN:
fix version -
Committed [670002] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.0 -
Committed [670001] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.0