Created a topic, A solid backkup solution – 100% recommended, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I've been using WPvivid for a couple of years now, and… -
Posted a reply to Webhooks not received, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @anastas10s, Sorry for the delay. Could you test it, either is test or live… -
Posted a reply to Webhooks not received, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I can confirm Test Mode webhooks are delivered. Screenshot:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/znz7f0xscclf4l5ny10wt/Screenshot-2024-04-11-07.02.24.jpg?rlkey=ow726v26t1bs0gt2jdc0pwr5s&dl=0 -
Posted a reply to Webhooks not received, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @carolm29, thanks for your response. I can confirm orders seem to be processed correctly… -
Created a topic, Webhooks not received, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi! I'm having an issue with webhooks not being rec… -
Created a topic, Breaks when install path changes, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm having the same issue Jesse (@jeswd) had here: Sto… -
Created a topic, GREAT plugin to battle spam, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Went from multiple spams per day to 0 (Z-E-R-O) in two…