Javier Revilla
@jrevillah on WordPress.org
- Member Since: April 18th, 2022
- Location: Lima (Perú)
- Website: systenjrh.com
- Job Title: Consultor
- Employer: Systen JRH
Contribution History
Javier Revilla’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [3217304] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.1 -
Committed [3217300] to Plugins SVN:
class-stvc-admin-display 1.6.1 -
Committed [3217299] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.1 -
Committed [3217298] to Plugins SVN:
ValidateCertify-Free 1.6.1 -
Translated 4 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 35 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 113 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3192697] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [3192696] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192692] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192690] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192689] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192688] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192686] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192685] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192671] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192670] to Plugins SVN:
delete tag 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192663] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192659] to Plugins SVN:
es-mo 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192658] to Plugins SVN:
Es 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192657] to Plugins SVN:
pot 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192656] to Plugins SVN:
Notification 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192655] to Plugins SVN:
display 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192654] to Plugins SVN:
ini 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192651] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.6.0 -
Committed [3192645] to Plugins SVN:
Es mo 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192644] to Plugins SVN:
es 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192643] to Plugins SVN:
pot 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192641] to Plugins SVN:
notifi 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192640] to Plugins SVN:
display 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192638] to Plugins SVN:
ini 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192637] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.5.5 -
Committed [3192634] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.6. -
Committed [3191917] to Plugins SVN:
languages ver 1.6.0 -
Committed [3191913] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.6.0 -
Committed [3168120] to Plugins SVN:
readme 1.5.5 -
Committed [3145746] to Plugins SVN:
tag ver. 1.5.5 -
Committed [3145745] to Plugins SVN:
delete pt_BR -
Committed [3145742] to Plugins SVN:
init 1.5.5 -
Committed [3145717] to Plugins SVN:
init 1.5.4 -
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3128413] to Plugins SVN:
readme ver. 1.5.4 -
Committed [3128412] to Plugins SVN:
readme ver. 1.5.4 ValidateCertify-Free ver. 1.5.4 -
Committed [3128411] to Plugins SVN:
class-stvc-menu.php -
Committed [3128409] to Plugins SVN:
validatecertify-styles.css -
Translated 47 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 138 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3096534] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [3096530] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [3096528] to Plugins SVN:
ValidateCertify-Free 1.5.3
ValidateCertify - Free
Active Installs: 700+