@josecarlosmjunior on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 9th, 2024
- Website: wisechats.ai
Committed [3166696] to Plugins SVN:
Change PHP version -
Committed [3153447] to Plugins SVN:
Re-add icons -
Committed [3153446] to Plugins SVN:
Remove icon -
Committed [3153445] to Plugins SVN:
Add wisechats-logo.png and assets directory to SVN -
Committed [3153426] to Plugins SVN:
Change description -
Committed [3153420] to Plugins SVN:
Change description -
Committed [3153418] to Plugins SVN:
Change description -
Committed [3153415] to Plugins SVN:
Change description -
Committed [3153400] to Plugins SVN:
Change description -
Committed [3153398] to Plugins SVN:
Add logo -
Committed [3153394] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin