Jonas Bolinder (jond3r)
@jond3r on and Slack
- Member Since: November 30th, 2012
- Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
- Website:
Contribution History
Jonas Bolinder (jond3r)’s badges:- Core Contributor
Mentioned in [27879] on Core SVN:
Clarify inline documentation for the 'html5' case and PHPDoc return in `add_theme_support()`. -
Created ticket #27292 on Core Trac:
HTML5 Captions -
Created ticket #27278 on Core Trac:
More sanity to add_theme_support( 'html5' ) -
Reopened ticket #26697 on Core Trac:
HTML5 Galleries -
Closed ticket #22679 on Core Trac:
Ensure that inserted images linked to the attachment page get correct ... -
Mentioned in [25697] on Core SVN:
Run _fix_attachment_links() when post_status is future or private in addition to publish. -
Created ticket #25268 on Core Trac:
Re-enable processing of scheduled and private posts in ... -
Mentioned in [23282] on Core SVN:
Media: Pass thumbnail and medium sizes to image_constrain_size_for_editor() to force constraints based on the current DB options for those sizes. -
Mentioned in [23264] on Core SVN:
Media: Pass thumbnail and medium sizes to image_constrain_size_for_editor() to force constraints based on the current DB options for those sizes. -
Created ticket #23102 on Core Trac:
Thumbnails and medium-sized images always show unconstrained dimensions in ... -
Mentioned in [23096] on Core SVN:
Present the correct downsized image dimensions in the Media modal when inserting. -
Created ticket #22738 on Core Trac:
3.5 Media: Correct display of dimensions for large-size images in size ... -
Created ticket #22693 on Core Trac:
Inserted images in some cases get the wrong size -
Created ticket #22679 on Core Trac:
Ensure that unattached images inserted from media library get pretty url ...