@jonasrafael on
- Member Since: December 30th, 2011
- Location: World
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- Job Title: designer
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Created a topic, Ele é integrado também aos boletos parcelados?, on the site Forums:
Você saberia dizer se ele é integrado com a parte de b… -
Created a topic, Put whatsapp on login form, on the site Forums:
Its possible to put whatsapp on the login form? -
Created a topic, Boleto Parcelado, on the site Forums:
Esse plugin funciona o boleto parcelado? -
Created a topic, indexOf is not a function., on the site Forums:
I try to use this slider with my theme and not running… -
Created a topic, I can not select a date for 6 months to face, on the site Forums:
I loved the plugin however I can't select dates older … -
Posted a reply to Yith Booking and and APPOINTMENT for Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
i din't find nothing about yoast booking -
Posted a reply to Yith Booking and and APPOINTMENT for Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
_yith_booking_block_cost -
Created a topic, Yith Booking and and APPOINTMENT for Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
I want to buy the plugin from you but I haven't seen a… -
Created a topic, Plugins not working well, on the site Forums:
I try to test and the plugin not give check-in and che… -
Posted a reply to MercadoPago no funciona con PHP 8.0.5?, on the site Forums:
Correción temporaria que encontré; -
Created a topic, MercadoPago no funciona con PHP 8.0.5?, on the site Forums:
Al activar el plugin en un Wordpress 8.0.5 no entra en… -
Posted a reply to Reembolso Uruguay, on the site Forums:
Gracias, hay una idea de previsión para agregar este recurso? -
Created a topic, Reembolso Uruguay, on the site Forums:
Hola, estamos intentando de realizar un reembolso desd… -
Created a topic, Import WordPress/Woocommerce Users, on the site Forums:
I have my clinic for some time and I want to start usi… -
Created a topic, Woocommerce Departamentos Uruguay se borran 4 departamentos, on the site Forums:
pasa lo mismo comigo -
Created a topic, [WP Activity Log] How to change the WordPress logo from Log?, on the site Forums:
Hi, amazing plugin!!! But i want to my client don̵… -
Created a topic, Works with Woocommerce/Facebook?, on the site Forums:
The plugin seems to be very interesting but has no com… -
Posted a reply to Atenção usuário do Plugin Melhor Envio, on the site Forums:
Também tive, criei outro topico com o detalhamento do erro... -
Created a topic, Campo estado não está preenchendo automaticamente, on the site Forums:
Salve Claudio, tudo certo? Na recente atualização do … -
Created a topic, [Melhor Envio V2] Problema depois da atualização, on the site Forums:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type… -
Created a topic, [WooCommerce Parcelas] Parcela só em uma categoria específica, on the site Forums:
Adorei o plugin, no entanto tenho uma duvida. Como mos… -
Created a topic, [Juno para WooCommerce] Ou até 12x de __________, on the site Forums:
Como coloca as informações de quantidade de parcelamen… -
Created a topic, [Action Scheduler] How i can purge the actionscheduler_logs?, on the site Forums:
The wp_actionscheduler_logs table is almost 7 gigs. -
Posted a reply to [WooCommerce] Problem with upgrade, on the site Forums:
thanks, the solution of my case is this: -
Created a topic, [WooCommerce Yapay Intermediador] Split Pagamento, on the site Forums:
Vocês tem integração com o Split de Pagamento? -
Posted a reply to [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] MercadoPago marketplace, on the site Forums:
Poderiam existir alguns hooks para facilitar a integração do gateway com WCFM, Dokan ou até… -
Created a topic, [WCFM Marketplace - Best Multivendor Marketplace for WooCommerce] WCFM with MercadoPago Marketplace, on the site Forums:
MercadoPago has a perfect split payment system. How ca… -
Created a topic, [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] MercadoPago marketplace, on the site Forums:
Vi que vocês tem o marketplace, como faço para integra… -
Created a topic, [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Product Title opcional, on the site Forums:
Veo que en Gateways de otras empresas es possible eleg… -
Created a topic, [QR Code PicPay for WooCommerce] Assinaturas, on the site Forums:
Está funcionando o PicPay assinaturas? -
Posted a reply to [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Pago with Uruguay broken, on the site Forums:
Nunca fue respondido y el cliente sigue sin poder vender -
Posted a reply to [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Pago with Uruguay broken, on the site Forums:
Olá @mercadopago a ajuda que estou tentando é específica para o MercadoPago do Uruguay. Vocês… -
Posted a reply to [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Pago with Uruguay broken, on the site Forums:
Tu número de consulta es: #52875839 -
Created a topic, [Tickera - WordPress Event Ticketing] Error when Edit/Create normal Post, on the site Forums:
When i active the Tickera Plugin i can’t create … -
Created a topic, [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Pago with Uruguay broken, on the site Forums:
Salve, o plugin funciona bem com o Mercado Pago no Uru… -
Created a topic, This plugin has been closed as of January 29, 2020 and is not available for down, on the site Forums:
Hi dude, why this plugin not working more? Is there an… -
Created a topic, Problem with upgrade, on the site Forums:
Hi, i have a problem after te upgrade wordpress. IR… -
Created a topic, MercadoPago not working with Uruguay, on the site Forums:
In the first place or link that is passed on the panel… -
Posted a reply to Forum Tickera, on the site Forums:
Great idea, however I can't find simple answers yet for some topics: - Change classes… -
Created a topic, Change classes input forms, on the site Forums:
I want to change the classes of the tickera to works f… -
Created a topic, 502 Error, on the site Forums:
I use your system in the state reserve, but more than … -
Created a topic, Variações não dá a opção de usar as assinaturas, on the site Forums:
Olá, ativei o plugin (com subscriptions) e configurei… -
Created a topic, Instalei esse plugin no meu site mas não ta gerando boleto, on the site Forums:
1. Coloquei o token e tudo, mas não aparece nada apó… -
Posted a reply to Many people vs Stability, on the site Forums:
Not works. -
Posted a reply to Error in QR Code Generation, on the site Forums:
It did not solve, it continues giving connection error with the database and problems when… -
Created a topic, Many people vs Stability, on the site Forums:
Hello, I currently use your plugin. Here there are a l… -
Created a topic, Error in QR Code Generation, on the site Forums:
After a while the plugin simply stops generating pdfs.… -
Created a topic, Latest Events Not Working, on the site Forums:
After the update the widget with latest events not wor… -
Posted a reply to Centralised Plugin Folder, on the site Forums:
I think is not possible because many plugins writing data on files and just percent… -
Posted a reply to Plugin não reconhece os Pedidos, on the site Forums:
ta funcionando ou não?
Automatic Featured Images from Videos
Boleto Pag Seguro Direto
Default Admin Color Scheme
Dewdrop Custom Scrollbar
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Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
Disqus Comment System
Football Pool
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MainWP Child Reports
Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce
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Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
Speed Optimizer - The All-In-One Performance-Boosting Plugin
SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager
User Switching
Verify domain for Apple Pay with Stripe
W3 Total Cache
Woocommerce Empty Cart Button
WooCommerce Parcelas com e sem Juros
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