Posted a reply to Con WP Rocket (cache) deja de funcionar, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Gracias por los comentarios. El plugin al ser gratuito necesita estos puntos de desarrollo. Miraremos… -
Committed [1376119] to Plugins SVN:
updated defaults texts with fixed shortcode -
Committed [1354104] to Plugins SVN:
some fixes -
Committed [1320819] to Plugins SVN:
fixed screenshots data readme -
Committed [1320816] to Plugins SVN:
fixed screenshots dat areadme -
Committed [1320812] to Plugins SVN:
fixed screenshots readme -
Committed [1320807] to Plugins SVN:
fixed asses -
Committed [1320805] to Plugins SVN:
assets updated -
Committed [1320799] to Plugins SVN:
ajustado readme, icon i header -
Committed [1318388] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin