@jllifecoach on
- Member Since: March 22nd, 2021
Contribution History
jllifecoach’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Excelente, pero debería tambien integrarse con Api de OpenStreetMap, on the site Forums:
Un plugin muy bueno que me permitio especificar las zo… -
Created a topic, No sirve, on the site Forums:
El plugin no se puede activar y tampoco se puede borra… -
Created a topic, Very slow when sliding with your finger from the mobile, on the site Forums:
It is an excellent plugin. I have had the following… -
Created a topic, Le falta ajustes, on the site Forums:
No tiene para ajustar el texto del boton, ni cambiar c… -
Created a topic, No se ve el precio en los pedidos ni en el email, on the site Forums:
Hola Tengo la opcion tipo radio donde el cliente sele… -
Created a topic, 2 shortcode of Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
When there are 2 product shortcodes on a page and the … -
Created a topic, Problema con la visualización, on the site Forums:
Uso el tema de OceanWp instale el plugin y puse las ta… -
Posted a reply to Zonas de envíos en woocommerce por Población, on the site Foros de soporte:
Las zonas que deja por defecto woocommerce son las provincias, y los envios que quiero… -
Created a topic, Zonas de envíos en woocommerce por Población, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, me gustaría saber si hay alguna forma de persona… -
Created a topic, No me sirvio, on the site Forums:
He recibido mucho spam -
Posted a reply to Problems with deleting value after it had one assigned, on the site Forums:
I did, and the error persists. -
Posted a reply to They are not required fields for sellers, on the site Forums:
It happens with the first window that the products are uploaded in dokan. In the… -
Created a topic, Problems with deleting value after it had one assigned, on the site Forums:
I have a problem with an input type number. When they… -
Posted a reply to Description not showing in sellers view, on the site Forums:
Yes. The description is displayed in the normal view of woocommerce. See screenshot But in… -
Created a topic, Description not showing in sellers view, on the site Forums:
Hello The description of the forms is not being shown… -
Posted a reply to In reservation not shown, on the site Forums:
Ok, thanks -
Posted a reply to In reservation not shown, on the site Forums:
Yes, for the booking product. -
Posted a reply to They are not required fields for sellers, on the site Forums:
Yes, I have tried and it sends it despite being blank. -
Created a topic, They are not required fields for sellers, on the site Forums:
I mark them as required fields when uploading a produc… -
Created a topic, In reservation not shown, on the site Forums:
The fields to fill in the reservation type are not sho… -
Suggested 1 string on
Created a topic, it doesn’t work for me, on the site Forums:
When the vendor goes to select the SCD CURRENCY deskto… -
Created a topic, Falta explicacion de como usarlo, on the site Forums:
No explica de forma sencilla como poder usar el plugin… -
Created a topic, Withholding income on the platform to withdraw after x days does not work, on the site Forums:
Withholding income on the platform to withdraw after x… -
Created a topic, Search result, on the site Forums:
When I search for a course by keyword in the option th… -
Created a topic, Improve usability from mobile, on the site Forums:
When a student clicks to buy to see more information a… -
Created a topic, Muy completo, on the site Forums:
Me parece un plugin que tiene excelente beneficios y e… -
Posted a reply to En las categorias no me deja pasar a la siguiente pagina para ver los post, on the site Foros de soporte:
Gracias por su tiempo. Funciono!!!! -
Created a topic, En las categorias no me deja pasar a la siguiente pagina para ver los post, on the site Foros de soporte:
Cuando coloco el link de una categoría, y trato de cam… -
Created a topic, Funciona, on the site Forums:
Un poquito complejo para aquellos que no dominan mucho… -
Posted a reply to Bueno, on the site Forums:
Genial, espero que le agreguen la segmentación de acuerdo a las etiquetas en las entradas,… -
Created a topic, Bueno, on the site Forums:
Muy completo, solo le falta que se puede segmentar en … -
Created a topic, Muy completo, on the site Forums:
Este plugin esta muy completo para crear formularios y… -
Created a topic, Muy bueno, on the site Forums:
De todos los plugin que probe este fue el mejor. Ofrec… -
Posted a reply to Eliminar codigo, on the site Foros de soporte:
Arreglado poniendo el CSS del tema #load {display:none !important;} -
Created a topic, Eliminar codigo, on the site Foros de soporte:
Actualmente la web carga, pero aparece un circulo en e… -
Created a topic, No sirve, on the site Forums:
Esta my viejo, no lo actualizan, tiene varios errores. -
Created a topic, No me funciono, on the site Forums:
No me funciono -
Created a topic, Genial, on the site Forums:
Es muy fácil de usar, además se puede establecer regla… -
Created a topic, Help to translate to Spanish, on the site Forums:
I have a problem with the Spanish translation. And som… -
Created a topic, No es gratis, on the site Forums:
No es gratis!!!! -
Created a topic, Bueno, on the site Forums:
Cumple con lo que busco en un tema -
Created a topic, Funciona a la perfección., on the site Forums:
Funciona a la perfección. -
Created a topic, Nothing appears on the courses page, on the site Forums:
Hello Select the page where the courses should appear…