Committed [3119947] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.5.2 = 1. 新增:分类分享缩缩图 2. 修复了已知的 = 2.5.1 = 1. 支持 vue3 -
Committed [3119819] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.8.2(2024-07-16) 1. 从酱茄迁移到追格 2. 修复了已知的问题 ## 1.8.1(2024-05-21) 1. ... -
Committed [3074795] to Plugins SVN:
1. 优化评价打分功能 2. 支持PHP8 3. 修复了已知的bug -
Committed [3074794] to Plugins SVN:
1. 优化评价打分功能 2. 支持PHP8 3. 修复了已知的bug -
Committed [3037625] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.7.0(2024-02-19) 1. 修复了已知的bug -
Committed [3037624] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.4.9 = 1. 增强首页幻灯片功能 -
Committed [3018703] to Plugins SVN:
v2.4.8 -
Committed [3018662] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.4.8 = 1. 不再支持QQ小程序 2. 一路前行,感恩有你! -
Committed [3015292] to Plugins SVN:
v1.6.8 -
Committed [3014876] to Plugins SVN:
1. 新增生成海报提示 2. 新增更新功能 3. 默认关闭评价打分功能,如有需要请自行开启 4. 修复了已知的bug -
Committed [3003100] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.6.5(2023-11-27) 1. 新增评价打分功能 -
Committed [3001443] to Plugins SVN:
新增评价打分功能 -
Committed [2988352] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.6.4(2023-11-03) 1. 新增首页弹框功能 2. 追格11.11折上折 -
Committed [2987914] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.4.2 = 1. 新增首页弹框功能 2. 追格11.11折上折 -
Committed [2982855] to Plugins SVN:
删除自定义隐私弹框,改用官方隐私弹框 -
Committed [2982353] to Plugins SVN:
删除自定义隐私弹框,改用官方隐私弹框 -
Committed [2977866] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.4.0 = 1. 新增:用户注销功能; 2. 其他:已知问题优化。 -
Committed [2966888] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.6.2(2023-09-14) 1. 新增:隐私保护指引 -
Committed [2966809] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.3.3 = 1. 新增:隐私保护指引 -
Committed [2964318] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.6.1(2023-09-08) 1. 优化意见反馈 -
Committed [2964004] to Plugins SVN:
1. 优化:菜单导航从4个改5个; 2. 优化:活动区域样式调整; 3. 优化:热门推荐标题位置调整; 4. 优化:单页内容行距问题; 5. ... -
Committed [2958151] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.6.0(2023-08-25) 1. 首页/动态/留言/动态详情 底部增加:备案号信息 2. 动态页面,顶部标题改成:公司动态 ... -
Committed [2952556] to Plugins SVN:
## 1.5.8(2023-08-12) 1. 详情页新增在线客服 -
Committed [2951393] to Plugins SVN:
1. 新增文章收藏数量统计 2. 增加文章搜索配置 3. 增加文章内链接点击处理方法 4. 修复昵称设置bug -
Committed [2945237] to Plugins SVN:
完善意见反馈 -
Committed [2922623] to Plugins SVN:
1. 新增首页分享标题自定义 2. UI细节调整 3. 清理无用代码 -
Committed [2922223] to Plugins SVN:
1. 增加首页分享标题图自定义 2. UI细节优化 3. 修复iOS上webview兼容性问题 4. 清理无用的代码 -
Committed [2904944] to Plugins SVN:
1. 修复iOS上webview兼容性问题 2. 增加小程序是否导入媒体库的配置 3. 修复跳转小程序提示的问题 4. ... -
Committed [2899023] to Plugins SVN:
= 2.2.1 = 1. 增加小程序是否导入媒体库的配置 2. 修复默认头像的问题 3. 修复跳转小程序提示的问题 -
Committed [2886091] to Plugins SVN:
修复一个后台数据加载错误 -
Committed [2885500] to Plugins SVN:
v 2.2.0 -
Committed [2847199] to Plugins SVN:
1. 修复了已知的bug 2. 细节优化 -
Committed [2847184] to Plugins SVN:
1. 修复了已知的bug 2. 适配最新的API 3. 优化了UI -
Committed [2773870] to Plugins SVN:
百度小程序兼容问题 -
Committed [2766244] to Plugins SVN:
1.9.1 -
Committed [2766243] to Plugins SVN:
绑定手机号可开关 -
Committed [2758479] to Plugins SVN:
fix bug -
Committed [2758394] to Plugins SVN:
fix no -
Committed [2758393] to Plugins SVN:
1. 绑定手机号才允许评论 2. 登录页面UI调整 -
Committed [2732409] to Plugins SVN:
1. 更新帮助文档 2. 适配字节小程序 -
Committed [2704226] to Plugins SVN:
1. 新增:上一篇-下一篇; 2. 新增:客户端支持打开视频号; 3. 优化:热门页面上滑吸顶悬停; 4. 优化:客户端整理规范代码; -
Committed [2704224] to Plugins SVN:
1. 新增:客户端支持打开视频号; 2. 修复:过滤文章未考虑文章状态; -
Committed [2690464] to Plugins SVN:
v1.3.0 -
Committed [2690456] to Plugins SVN:
v1.8.0 -
Committed [2685018] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [2685016] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [2684721] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [2684348] to Plugins SVN:
qrcode bug fix -
Committed [2684346] to Plugins SVN:
qrcode bug fix -
Committed [2682844] to Plugins SVN:
api - fix