Jeremy Boggs
@jeremyboggs on
- Member Since: September 6th, 2004
- Location: Fairfax, Virginia, USA
- Website:
- Job Title: Associate Director of Research
- Employer: Center for History and New Media
Contribution History
Jeremy Boggs’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [540522] to Plugins SVN:
Tags version 1.3 -
Committed [540520] to Plugins SVN:
Updates stable tag, and installation directions. Adds changelog. -
Committed [540519] to Plugins SVN:
Adds 'scholarpress_coins_span_title' filter for COinS span title. -
Committed [540516] to Plugins SVN:
Returns HTML as part of the content variable. -
Committed [540511] to Plugins SVN:
Adds check for empty first/last name for post author. -
Committed [528104] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the OTHER place where the plugin version is declared. -
Committed [527805] to Plugins SVN:
Tags ScholarPress Coins 1.2. -
Committed [527803] to Plugins SVN:
URL encodes values to prevent import errors. -
Committed [367731] to Plugins SVN:
Tags scholarpress-coins version 1.1. -
Committed [349939] to Plugins SVN:
Resolves conflict in readme. -
Committed [349857] to Plugins SVN:
Merge branch 'master' into svn -
Committed [349546] to Plugins SVN:
Adds clioweb and sushkov as contributors. -
Committed [214601] to Plugins SVN:
Adds version history for 1.1.2 to the README.txt, changes tested up to ... -
Committed [214600] to Plugins SVN:
Updates stable tag on trunk readme. -
Committed [214588] to Plugins SVN:
Adds 1.1.2 tag of Courseware. -
Committed [214587] to Plugins SVN:
Updates stable tag and version history. -
Committed [214586] to Plugins SVN:
Updates bibliography output to order by author last name, then title. -
Committed [214581] to Plugins SVN:
Changes order of assignments list in admin to sort by date. -
Committed [214566] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes interface issue in bibilography form, where source type panel was ... -
Committed [214563] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes conflict with Widgets page by only adding javascripts and style ... -
Committed [172806] to Plugins SVN:
Updates outputs for schedule and bibliography shortcodes. -
Committed [172805] to Plugins SVN:
Removes internal routes, and instead returns to creating static pages. ... -
Committed [172792] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes output of schedule shortcode. -
Committed [166686] to Plugins SVN:
Assignments list uses the bib title if the assignment is a reading, pulls ... -
Committed [166685] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes bug that prevented course days from being saved. -
Committed [166677] to Plugins SVN:
Removes unnecessary includes in the core. -
Committed [165067] to Plugins SVN:
Moves files from Courseware rewrite-branch to trunk. -
Committed [165066] to Plugins SVN:
Updates readme.txt to reflect new to-dos and version changes; Adds all ... -
Committed [165065] to Plugins SVN:
Creates stable-1.1 branch of Courseware. -
Committed [165063] to Plugins SVN:
Adds jQuery field toggle for bibliography type on the bibliography ... -
Committed [165062] to Plugins SVN:
Adds jQuery toggle for assignment type. -
Committed [165060] to Plugins SVN:
Adds the jQuery datepicker to the schedule form. -
Committed [165057] to Plugins SVN:
Lots of changes, file additions, file renaming, function renaming, to help ... -
Committed [142298] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 1.1.1 of Courseware. -
Committed [142297] to Plugins SVN:
Updates readme and plugin version per changes in [11769]. -
Committed [142296] to Plugins SVN:
Updates method for inputing times into schedule entries, adds checks for ... -
Committed [131728] to Plugins SVN:
Continues namespacing functions in Courseware, updates the adding/updating ... -
Committed [131042] to Plugins SVN:
Implements microformats value class pattern for Courseware schedule. -
Committed [131039] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes admin layout in Courseware to work with WP2.8, updates the syntax ... -
Committed [117754] to Plugins SVN:
Tags 1.0 release, updates reademe to only use short description.
Active Installs: 600+
BuddyPress Courseware
Active Installs: 10+