
  • Member Since: December 11th, 2014
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  • Created a topic, Combining Statistics and Filters on LearnPress Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    'm aiming to combine statistics and filters into a sin…

  • Created a topic, “Issue with Password Reset Redirect When Using Easy WP SMTP Plugin, on the site Forums:
    'm facing an issue with the password reset redirection…

  • Posted a reply to “Issue with Course Purchase Button Visibility for Non-Logged-In Users”, on the site Forums:
    We continue to have an issue where logged-in users cannot see the button. Here is…

  • Posted a reply to Create a user role that can view all courses but cannot access the admin panel, on the site Forums:
    Could you please tell me where the connection between a user and a course is…

  • Created a topic, Create a user role that can view all courses but cannot access the admin panel, on the site Forums:
    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding LearnPr…

  • Created a topic, “Issue with Course Purchase Button Visibility for Non-Logged-In Users”, on the site Forums:
    am encountering an issue with the LearnPress shortcode…

  • Created a topic, Assistance Required for Custom CSS Modifications in Edura Theme, on the site Forums:
    I am using the Edura theme from ThemeForest for my onl…

  • Posted a reply to Custom order status and snippet, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, I'm reaching out as I'm having trouble adding a new email type to…

  • Posted a reply to wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    We obviously do not understand. I can not translate it through googl so it is…

  • Posted a reply to wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    Ocito se ne razumemo. Ja pisem prevod preko googl-a pa je moguce da je zato.Izvucem…

  • Posted a reply to wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    That it's ok, but where can I put that code? What's the hook for something…

  • Posted a reply to wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    <br />how to delete google account on android<br />

  • Posted a reply to Kako ucitati temu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    ajde prosledi mi pa cu da vidim u cemu je problem. Zavisi za koliko sajtova…

  • Posted a reply to Kako ucitati temu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    To ti tema sto se placa ali nasala ovako preko neta?Tema ti losa vidi ako…

  • Posted a reply to Kako ucitati temu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    Probaj da otpakujes temu i direktno je ubacis u direktorijum wordpresa teme. Jedan savet kad…

  • Posted a reply to wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    I apologize for losing English. Yes, I want the seller to determine the price of…

  • Created a topic, wc marketplace prilagoodjeno slanje po prodavcu, on the site Српски Support Forums:
    Pozdrav, radim sajt sa pluginom wc marketplace gde se …