@janhenckens on WordPress.org and Slack
- Member Since: May 23rd, 2011
- Location: Leuven, Belgium
- Website: studioespresso.co
- Job Title: Developer
- Employer: studioespresso.co
Contribution History
janhenckens’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Theme Developer
- Themes Team
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
- WordCamp Speaker
Committed [2117076] to Plugins SVN:
Change ownership to ibenic -
Posted a reply to Too simple, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Shortcode examples are listed in the mail plugin page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-sponsors/ I'll have a look at… -
Posted a reply to Function create_function() is deprecated in, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Something must have gone wrong with the previous release. I busted pushed out a new… -
Committed [1973800] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.5.1 -
Committed [1973799] to Plugins SVN:
Update 2.5.1 -
Posted a reply to Function create_function() is deprecated in, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey there Can you check that you're running the latest version of the plugin? This… -
Committed [1969229] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.1.3 -
Committed [1969228] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed unsplash oauth for 2.1.3 -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Borks when used in Gutenberg, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes! I totally forgot to update this ticket though :) Thanks for using my plugin! -
Committed [1917794] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.5.0 -
Committed [1917793] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix in shortcode & version bump -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Borks when used in Gutenberg, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes, the video makes it very clear, thanks for that. I just can't seem to… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Borks when used in Gutenberg, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Birgit, where did you see that error message? Also, there is no version of… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Borks when used in Gutenberg, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Birgit! I haven't kept up with Gutenberg development in the last months, will take… -
Posted a reply to Slider, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey zaryel Afraid to say that a slider is not something I plan to be… -
Posted a reply to class-wp-sponsors-shortcode.php, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Can you share the shortcode you're using on your page? Thanks Jan -
Posted a reply to Warning messages in class-wp-sponsors-shortcode.php, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey! I just released an update that should fix this issue, can you give it… -
Committed [1828226] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.4.1 -
Committed [1828224] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed php errors when using an empty shortcake -
Committed [1814357] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.1.2 -
Committed [1814356] to Plugins SVN:
XSS fix -
Committed [1807351] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.1.1 -
Committed [1807349] to Plugins SVN:
Security update -
Committed [1799929] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.1.0 -
Committed [1799926] to Plugins SVN:
Unsplash-php update, new download function and cleaner attribution styling -
Posted a reply to Order Sponsor in the Shortcode, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey If you don't add the sort parameters, the shortcake will use the "menu_order" field… -
Committed [1769778] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested-to version to 4.9 -
Posted a reply to Sponsors post type is changed to Post and can’t change back, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey ieugen I'll have to test this myself with the Post Type Switcher plugin. Will… -
Committed [1723892] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.4.0 -
Committed [1723889] to Plugins SVN:
2.4.0 PHP version, responsive styling & cleaner metaboxes -
Committed [1710522] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3.3 -
Committed [1710521] to Plugins SVN:
2.3.3: bug fix & shortcake update -
Posted a reply to Grid style on mobile, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Rianne Could you send me a link to the page where you have your… -
Posted a reply to SQL Syntax Errors – Table Prefixes, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Thanks for catching that! Will be fixed in the next release. Cheers Jan -
Posted a reply to Grid style on mobile, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Rianne Well, that doesn't look good :) I'll have a look at making this… -
Posted a reply to Order Sponsor in the Shortcode, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes, you can. Add the orderby="rand" option to your shortcake and you should be good… -
Posted a reply to Display Sponsorship Levels, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Mike Do you have an link to the page where you have the sponsors… -
Committed [1675967] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.0.0 -
Committed [1675966] to Plugins SVN:
Cleanup -
Committed [1675965] to Plugins SVN:
Added oath features for 2.0.0 -
Created a topic, Add-to-cart goes to /wp-admin/admin-ajax, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm having a weird issue with the plugin: On my produ… -
Posted a reply to Ordering the sponsors doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey! I just released an update to fix this issue, thanks again for reporting it!… -
Committed [1670369] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3.2 -
Committed [1670368] to Plugins SVN:
Sort order in shortcode for 2.3.2 -
Posted a reply to Ordering the sponsors doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Greengaroo Thanks for the extensive report! I'll try & reproduce this and get back… -
Committed [1664994] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3.1 -
Committed [1664992] to Plugins SVN:
Table prefix & shortcode max for 2.3.1 -
Posted a reply to Center the widget title and description text, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
That's probably something your theme should be handling, as changing this in the plugin would… -
Posted a reply to Grid view limited to 10 sponsors, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey there Good catch, I had a default setting for the 'max' option but it… -
Posted a reply to Font size isn’t consistent in bio, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
You're actually using another Sponsors plugin :) You can ask your question here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cr3ativ-sponsor/, or…
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