
  • Member Since: January 7th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Conversion Error, on the site Forums:
    Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is …

  • Created a topic, ACF Field Group Support, on the site Forums:
    It would be great if the plugin could work with ACF Fi…

  • Created a topic, 500 (Internal Server Error) when Categories Enabled, on the site Forums:
    When I add Categories to the searchable items, searchi…

  • Posted a reply to Customizing Shortcut, on the site Forums:
    The keyboard shortcut is also activating on pages when I have the setting disabled.

  • Created a topic, Customizing Shortcut, on the site Forums:
    Please add the ability to customize the shortcut. c…

  • Created a topic, ACF Field Group Support, on the site Forums:
    I love this extension! It would be great if it could s…

  • Created a topic, Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null in duplicatepage.php, on the site Forums:
    I get the following error on the front-end of the page…

  • Created a topic, Running Javascript After Responsive Swap, on the site Forums:
    How can I run javascript after the responsive javascri…

  • Created a topic, Incompatible with ACF 5.7 Beta 4 Select 2 Issues, on the site Forums:
    There's some collision that happens between ACF Font A…

  • Created a topic, Custom interface for adding options and and their arrangement, on the site Forums:
    I'd like to create an ecommerce site with customizable…

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.6: What’s on your wish list?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Make template hierarchy filterable - This request has been around, planned for releases and then…