Created a topic, How do I check whether WordPress plugins are also compatible with other MariaDB, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Soon my server will be upgraded to MariaDB 11.4. Since… -
Posted a reply to Deactivate comments, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Okay, got it. I have found the page concerned. Where can I deactivate the comments… -
Created a topic, Deactivate comments, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Settings are set as shown in the screenshot. Neverthel… -
Posted a reply to loading process stucks at 70%, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Any Idea? -
Created a topic, loading process stucks at 70%, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, there are some pictures on my site which hav… -
Posted a reply to Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
And there is no way to do this in any way? -
Posted a reply to Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
In an older version of the website, the function for retaining the original URL in… -
Posted a reply to Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Forget my statement :) How can I implement my request? Technically, it must work, as… -
Posted a reply to Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
What I'm trying to say is that what I'm trying to do has already worked.… -
Posted a reply to Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
But it was already implemented back then and it worked. However, this was removed in… -
Created a topic, Rewrite and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I need to have a URl rewrite to another URl, bu… -
Created a topic, Sicherheitslücke – WordPress Core All Versions, on the site Support-Foren:
Hallo zusammen, nach einer Installation einer neuen… -
Posted a reply to Verhalten von WP bei Domainmigration, on the site Support-Foren:
Danke für deine ausführliche Antwort. Eine Frage noch zu folgender Aussage:"Nachdem die Domain (und ggf.… -
Created a topic, Verhalten von WP bei Domainmigration, on the site Support-Foren:
Hallo zusammen, aktuell habe ich unter Plesk eine D… -
Posted a reply to Redirect and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
ah, yes you're absolutly right. My mistake. Do you know a way to implement a… -
Posted a reply to Redirect and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It is a redirect. This can be realized via the .htaccess, but then there is… -
Created a topic, Redirect and keep original url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I need to have a URl redirect to another URl, b… -
Posted a reply to Google query for language change, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks, works great! -
Created a topic, Google query for language change, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, the plugin was included so that the language se… -
Posted a reply to Number of stars are seen twice, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks. After I've implemented the snippet, everything works fine. BR -
Created a topic, Number of stars are seen twice, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, apparently there is a bug with the plugin. In… -
Created a topic, Only per link invited user can rate, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I need a function that only allows users who h… -
Posted a reply to Mobile Menu is not Scrolling but scrolling the background instead, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you very much. Could you move the topic please? -
Created a topic, Mobile Menu is not Scrolling but scrolling the background instead, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, my menu doesn't work in mobile view but works wit… -
Posted a reply to Import stuck at 0.00%, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Plesk: 682587#0: *3 client intended to send too large body: 195799558 bytes Anyone know where… -
Created a topic, Import stuck at 0.00%, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Exported successfully the WP site. When I try to impor… -
Posted a reply to Einfachen Language Switcher, on the site Support-Foren:
Vielen Dank für deinen Vorschlag. Schaue ich mir mal an! Tatsächlich wird sich nichts an… -
Created a topic, Einfachen Language Switcher, on the site Support-Foren:
Hi, ich benötige einen einfach switcher, welcher von … -
Posted a reply to Image Upload – Größer anpassen, on the site Support-Foren:
Vielen Dank! 🙂 -
Posted a reply to Image Upload – Größer anpassen, on the site Support-Foren:
Danke euch! 2.560 Px Breite x Höhe, oder wie ist das zu sehen? -
Created a topic, Image Upload – Größer anpassen, on the site Support-Foren:
Hallo zusammen, ich muss sehr große Bilder hochladen.… -
Posted a reply to change admin access, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Any idea here? -
Posted a reply to change admin access, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I am using the MariDB. But I think thats not the problem here, am I… -
Posted a reply to change admin access, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Both solutions don't work. Needs any service to be restart after passwort changing? I dont… -
Posted a reply to change admin access, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @vladytimy Thank you very much for your answer. I tried it but it doesn't… -
Created a topic, change admin access, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, how can I change the admin login via mysql c…