Cheetahpay Nigeria
@incofab on
- Member Since: April 11th, 2018
- Website:
Committed [2378904] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file, made corrections -
Committed [2378903] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file, made corrections -
Committed [2378229] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file, made corrections -
Committed [2378228] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file, made corrections -
Committed [2378205] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file -
Committed [2378202] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and main file -
Committed [2377751] to Plugins SVN:
Synched readme.txt and woo-cheetahpay-payment-gateway.php versioning -
Committed [2377749] to Plugins SVN:
Synched readme.txt and woo-cheetahpay-payment-gateway.php versioning -
Committed [2377459] to Plugins SVN:
changed version in readme.txt -
Committed [2377455] to Plugins SVN:
changed version in readme.txt -
Committed [2377130] to Plugins SVN:
The recent stable version compatible Wordpress 5.5 -
Committed [2377126] to Plugins SVN:
validated fields, escaped characters, better import methods. -
Committed [2278178] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted unnecessary files -
Committed [2278176] to Plugins SVN:
Changed app name 0.9.6 -
Committed [2278172] to Plugins SVN:
Changed app name 0.9.6 -
Committed [2278170] to Plugins SVN:
Changed app name -
Committed [1972539] to Plugins SVN:
updated version number -
Committed [1971995] to Plugins SVN:
remove misplaced tag 0.9.4 -
Committed [1971993] to Plugins SVN:
creating tag 0.9.5 -
Committed [1971990] to Plugins SVN:
Removed static module number -
Committed [1874728] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [1874727] to Plugins SVN:
tag after updating url -
Committed [1874726] to Plugins SVN:
updated the plugin URL -
Committed [1864092] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [1864087] to Plugins SVN:
tag changed -
Committed [1864086] to Plugins SVN:
added 1000 and 2500 denominations -
Committed [1859017] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [1859015] to Plugins SVN:
Correction -
Committed [1859013] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected author's name -
Committed [1858987] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [1858985] to Plugins SVN:
First major setup -
Committed [1858984] to Plugins SVN:
First commit