Committed [1585227] to Plugins SVN:
Statement change -
Committed [1585221] to Plugins SVN:
Added Style Modifications -
Committed [1585181] to Plugins SVN:
Patch Fix Errors -
Committed [1516685] to Plugins SVN:
Removed error block -
Posted a reply to array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Maehooge, plugin creator here. I just released an update, let me know if it… -
Committed [1516680] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed Error message -
Posted a reply to Doens’t work, fould in line 35, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Maehooge, Do you have 'The Woocommerce dynamic pricing plugin' installed and up to date?… -
Committed [1512100] to Plugins SVN:
Version fix. -
Committed [1512098] to Plugins SVN:
Page fix. -
Created a topic, Great!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great piece of code, extremely handy. Take my wor… -
Created a topic, Shows Up everywhere, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The table shows up everywhere X_X On related products… -
Committed [1507743] to Plugins SVN:
Added Icon -
Committed [1507699] to Plugins SVN:
description details and whatnot -
Committed [1507692] to Plugins SVN:
Added more information. -
Committed [1507687] to Plugins SVN:
Blah fixes -
Committed [1507685] to Plugins SVN:
renaming file -
Committed [1507684] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes -
Committed [1507679] to Plugins SVN:
Fix branding -
Committed [1507678] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed image -
Committed [1507677] to Plugins SVN:
Added branding -
Committed [1507673] to Plugins SVN:
renamed -
Committed [1507672] to Plugins SVN:
Fix error in page display -
Committed [1507669] to Plugins SVN:
Basic changes -
Committed [1507668] to Plugins SVN:
New Images -
Committed [1507658] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Upload.