@gunebakan on
- Member Since: March 6th, 2009
Contribution History
gunebakan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1716204] to Plugins SVN:
spelling error and ketword change -
Committed [1715872] to Plugins SVN:
banners and icons -
Committed [1715467] to Plugins SVN:
kenarlarda bosluk birakildi -
Committed [1715466] to Plugins SVN:
white on red banners -
Committed [1715463] to Plugins SVN:
new banners -
Committed [1715460] to Plugins SVN:
hd banner deleted -
Committed [1715458] to Plugins SVN:
banners and icons are added -
Committed [1715449] to Plugins SVN:
assets created -
Committed [1714916] to Plugins SVN:
Free Dictionary
Active Installs: 10+
Langtolang Dictionary
Active Installs: 10+