@georgijevic on
- Member Since: September 20th, 2012
- Location: Belgrade
- Website:
Contribution History
Georgijevic’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Committed [997521] to Plugins SVN:
Corrections -
Committed [997505] to Plugins SVN:
Corrections -
Committed [997504] to Plugins SVN:
Corrections -
Committed [997393] to Plugins SVN:
correcting error -
Committed [997382] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997377] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997373] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997370] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997368] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997365] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997364] to Plugins SVN:
again -
Committed [997363] to Plugins SVN:
aasdaa -
Committed [997357] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected an error -
Committed [997356] to Plugins SVN:
Again. -
Committed [997355] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected an error -
Committed [997354] to Plugins SVN:
Added translations -
Committed [997349] to Plugins SVN:
Translations added -
Committed [888460] to Plugins SVN:
0.1.3 -
Committed [888458] to Plugins SVN:
Stable tag 0.1.3 -
Committed [888456] to Plugins SVN:
Made a tutorial -
Committed [888452] to Plugins SVN:
Made a tutorial -
Committed [878456] to Plugins SVN:
Finally fixed it -
Committed [878454] to Plugins SVN:
Opet ponavljam -
Committed [878451] to Plugins SVN:
Konacno update -
Committed [878446] to Plugins SVN:
Konacna ispravka animacije -
Committed [878406] to Plugins SVN:
vesrion -
Committed [863883] to Plugins SVN:
Opett... -
Committed [863882] to Plugins SVN:
nije uopste hteo da salje mejlove -
Committed [863719] to Plugins SVN:
Popravio greske kod autora na readme fajlu.. -
Committed [863717] to Plugins SVN:
popravio opet gresku -
Committed [863716] to Plugins SVN:
Popravio autora -
Committed [863709] to Plugins SVN:
Ispravio neke greske... -
Committed [863708] to Plugins SVN:
0.0.8 -
Committed [863707] to Plugins SVN:
Dodao tag da ga poklopim sa verziom. Vodi racuna o stable tag -
Committed [863704] to Plugins SVN:
Postavljano tagovanje.. -
Committed [863703] to Plugins SVN:
Ispravka kompatibilnosti verzije -
Committed [863698] to Plugins SVN:
Prvi upload