Gary Cornelisse
@gcornelisse on
- Member Since: January 4th, 2009
- Location: PA, USA
- Website:
- Job Title: Owner, Senior Engineer
- Employer: Summit Media Concepts LLC
Committed [1122585] to Plugins SVN:
meta -
Committed [1122584] to Plugins SVN:
meta` -
Committed [1122583] to Plugins SVN:
serialize fix -
Committed [1122581] to Plugins SVN:
serialize fix -
Committed [1110416] to Plugins SVN:
contributors -
Committed [1110415] to Plugins SVN:
contributors -
Committed [1101682] to Plugins SVN:
fixed bugs relatd to activation and the build process -
Committed [1101679] to Plugins SVN:
fixed bugs relatd to activation and the build process -
Committed [1090909] to Plugins SVN:
replaced short php tags -
Committed [1090903] to Plugins SVN:
replaced short php tags -
Committed [1063629] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [1063621] to Plugins SVN:
fixes for strict standards -
Committed [951211] to Plugins SVN:
removed misleading instructions -
Committed [850891] to Plugins SVN:
fix for wp sub directory installs -
Committed [850890] to Plugins SVN:
fix for wp sub directory installs -
Committed [842228] to Plugins SVN:
fixed redirection issue -
Committed [842227] to Plugins SVN:
wrong code pushed -
Committed [842222] to Plugins SVN:
fixed redirection issue -
Committed [833164] to Plugins SVN:
slug fix -
Committed [833163] to Plugins SVN:
slug fix -
Committed [830486] to Plugins SVN:
forgot these files -
Committed [830485] to Plugins SVN:
forgot this file -
Committed [830467] to Plugins SVN:
fixed serveral issues caused by a variety of client environments -
Committed [830465] to Plugins SVN:
fixed serveral issues caused by a variety of client environments -
Committed [807537] to Plugins SVN:
readme syntax -
Committed [807536] to Plugins SVN:
readme syntax -
Committed [807535] to Plugins SVN:
small change to readme.txt -
Committed [807533] to Plugins SVN:
small change to readme.txt -
Committed [807528] to Plugins SVN:
adding first version -
Committed [806469] to Plugins SVN:
bad commit -
Committed [806468] to Plugins SVN:
bad commit -
Committed [806459] to Plugins SVN:
New version with lots of new features -
Committed [771957] to Plugins SVN:
updated branding -
Committed [771956] to Plugins SVN:
updated branding -
Committed [771955] to Plugins SVN:
updated branding -
Committed [771954] to Plugins SVN:
updated branding -
Committed [770468] to Plugins SVN:
fixed resource urls -
Committed [770420] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme file -
Committed [770418] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme file -
Committed [770412] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme file -
Committed [770407] to Plugins SVN:
first version -
Committed [595690] to Plugins SVN:
Removed support for Clickbank HopAds because Clickbank discontinued their ... -
Committed [560909] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug showing new characters in content and incremented version -
Committed [516492] to Plugins SVN:
api key file for faster multi-installs -
Committed [516489] to Plugins SVN:
v2.1 -
Committed [471642] to Plugins SVN:
description tweak -
Committed [471629] to Plugins SVN:
descript tweak, again -
Committed [471628] to Plugins SVN:
description changes -
Committed [471627] to Plugins SVN:
ratings note -
Committed [471303] to Plugins SVN:
tweaks to stylesheet