Gabriele Romanato
@gabrieleromanato on
- Member Since: May 29th, 2012
Contribution History
Gabriele Romanato’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, [WooCommerce] WC 3.2.1: Payment gateways now work only for logged in users, on the site Forums:
Hi, I’ve developed a custom booking plugin for o… -
Created a topic, Node.js thanks the WC team, on the site Forums:
Hi, I've just finished to create a CMS for a customer … -
Created a topic, Error authenticating user on Target: Unable to make API request to Target system, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm getting this error when I try to save the plug… -
Created ticket #30916 on Core Trac:
Proposal for a faster JavaScript password strength meter
Easy Backstretch
Active Installs: 300+