@francescjp on
- Member Since: July 22nd, 2016
Contribution History
francescjp’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Translated 4 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Posted a reply to Get resolution width in theme on init, on the site Forums:
With css I don't see how to reorder divs. Thank you Joy for your help. -
Posted a reply to Get resolution width in theme on init, on the site Forums:
Hello Joy: Yes, I've heared about it. How can I rorder divs in new lines… -
Created a topic, Get resolution width in theme on init, on the site Forums:
Hello: I am creating a custom child theme where I dis… -
Created a topic, Create own detailed property htm page, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to build my own single property templat… -
Posted a reply to Load sql file into database from plugin, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your help. -
Posted a reply to dbdelta problem on activate event with large content, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your help. -
Posted a reply to Add page title dinamically on plugin, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your help. -
Created a topic, Find a real state plugin where I can create my own listtype, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to find a real state plugin which I can… -
Created a topic, Display only the main image property in list, on the site Forums:
Hello: When I generate a shortcode to list all proper… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode that list properties of one city, on the site Forums:
I have found how to do it. Thank you -
Created a topic, Shortcode that list properties of one city, on the site Forums:
Hello: I would like to know if there is a shortcode t… -
Created a topic, Specify fixed height on column, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to create a column with fixed height in… -
Created a topic, Specify percentage width on section, on the site Forums:
Hello: I want to specify a percentage width of section… -
Created a topic, Add page title dinamically on plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello: I have created a plugin that generates HTML fi… -
Created a topic, Register button doesn’t takes translation, on the site Forums:
Hello: I have created two different forms with ultima… -
Posted a reply to store get_header content in a variable, on the site Forums:
Hello Joy: I appreciate your help. It has worked perfect! Thank you very much for… -
Created a topic, store get_header content in a variable, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to store the code of get_header functio… -
Created a topic, Good job, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your great work! -
Created a topic, dbdelta problem on activate event with large content, on the site Forums:
Hello: I am creating a plugin in which I create a cus… -
Created a topic, Load sql file into database from plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello: I am developing a wordpress plugin. I want tha… -
Posted a reply to Painting svg in web page, on the site Forums:
I have used svg-injector plugin and it works. -
Created a topic, Painting svg in web page, on the site Forums:
Hello: I am developing a web page which contains a pr… -
Created a topic, Pass filed values from form page to contact form 7, on the site Forums:
Hello: I have builded, manually, a web page where you… -
Posted a reply to Use calculation value from radio, on the site Forums:
I have solved it using my own javascript code. Francescjp -
Posted a reply to Adding, editing , deleting records of my custom table through forms in wordpres, on the site Forums:
Hello Joy: I will study this plugin. It seems very useful. Thank you very much.… -
Posted a reply to Use custom attributes in form elements, on the site Forums:
Hello Takayuki Miyoshi : Thank you very much for your help. Francescjp -
Created a topic, Use custom attributes in form elements, on the site Forums:
Hello: I want to use some custom attributes in form e… -
Created a topic, Adding, editing , deleting records of my custom table through forms in wordpres, on the site Forums:
Hello: I want to create my custom table on wordpress… -
Posted a reply to Use checkboxes as exclusive, on the site Forums:
I have looking through internet. I think an approximate solution could be something like this… -
Created a topic, Use checkboxes as exclusive, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to use different checkboxes as exclusiv… -
Created a topic, Use calculation value from radio, on the site Forums:
Hello: I need to use calculation value of selected ra… -
Created a topic, sum price through conditional fields, on the site Forums:
Hello: I am programing a web page where you can combi… -
Posted a reply to Mostrar Login widget en el idioma seleccionado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Gracias Jose64. He mirado y los plugins parecen estar traducidos. Te adjunto lista de plugins… -
Created a topic, Mostrar Login widget en el idioma seleccionado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Estoy creando un sitio web. He añadido un widg… -
Created a topic, Use one specific form on register, on the site Forums:
Hello: I have created two register forms, one for each… -
Created a topic, Crear pàginas estáticas a partir de datos de BBDD, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Estoy creando una web en la que necessito genera… -
Posted a reply to Creación de menús avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola LGrusin: Buena idea. Probaré lo que me dices. Muchas gracias -
Posted a reply to Creación de menús avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Perdón. Se ha enviado antes de terminar el mensaje: Muchas gracias -
Posted a reply to Creación de menús avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Muchas gracias LGrusin: Lo que necesito se paraece a esta web. -
Created a topic, Mostrar un contact form con un elemento seleccionado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Tengo una página dónde el usuario escoge un p… -
Created a topic, Creación de menús avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Quiero crear un sitio web. Este sitio deberia t… -
Created a topic, Descripción corta del producto en la lista de categoria, con saltos de linea, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Estoy creando mi propia manera de mostrar los p… -
Created a topic, Crear una estructura propia para listar productos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Estoy intentando crear una estructura personali… -
Posted a reply to Crear una lista de productos personalizada, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola LGrusin: Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Comentas que puedo usar alguno de los archivos… -
Created a topic, Crear una lista de productos personalizada, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: Quiero crear una página con una lista de produ… -
Posted a reply to Al intentar subir imágenes “Error HTTP”, on the site Foros de soporte:
No me deja hacerlo des de la parte administradora. Desde la opción Media del menu… -
Posted a reply to Poder añadir un menu elementor al header, on the site Foros de soporte:
SOLUCIONADO!! El plugin Header, Footer & Blocks for Elementor me permite hacerlo -
Created a topic, Al intentar subir imágenes “Error HTTP”, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola: No puedo subir imágenes al wordpress, en el ap…