
  • Member Since: February 20th, 2018
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  • Created a topic, Pluging frontend, on the site Forums:
    Hi! I need a logged user able to upload videos to my w…

  • Created a topic, Plugin / Code to include links or files (videos) to the profile of the user, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, I need that when a user is logged into th…

  • Created a topic, Plugin/ Código para incluir enlaces o ficheros (videos) al perfil del ususario, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Necesito que cuando un usuario esté logeado en la web…

  • Created a topic, Videos subidos a web por usuarios, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes: En la web que estoy desarrollando los …

  • Created a topic, Popup window for register and login, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, I would like to create a popup window fo…

  • Posted a reply to Media Library configuration, on the site Forums:
    I know there are many options to embed a video in WP. My need is,…

  • Created a topic, Media Library configuration, on the site Forums:
    Hi every one, There is in WP’s dashboard the Men…

  • Created a topic, [Master Slider - Responsive Touch Slider] Master slider intallation using TGM Plugin Activation, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I downloaded the Master Slider puglin folder from …

  • Created a topic, Video slider widget, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I would like to include a widget into my theme whe…

  • Posted a reply to Enqueue xml file in Child Theme, on the site Forums:
    I thought the theme is linked with XML file but later I cheked that it…

  • Created a topic, Enqueue xml file in Child Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have created a Child Theme and there is a xml fi…

  • Posted a reply to Código activación widget, on the site Foros de soporte:
    pero cuando arrastro un widget de la zona de inactivos a la de activos, ¿qué…

  • Posted a reply to Activation code of a widget, on the site Forums:
    I did not mean how the function is_active_siderbar works. I meant how the code is…

  • Posted a reply to Changes in the child theme, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Is there a solution to avoid moving the search bar every time I change…

  • Posted a reply to Código activación widget, on the site Foros de soporte:
    No estoy tratando de ver una función que compruebe si un widget concreto está activo…

  • Created a topic, Activation code of a widget, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon: In the php files of wordpress and rel…

  • Created a topic, Código activación widget, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes: En ficheros php de wordpress y relacio…

  • Created a topic, Changes in the child theme, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have already created a child theme and this …

  • Posted a reply to Cambios en child theme (tema hijo), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Disculpa, a lo mejor no me he explicado bien. Ya tengo el child theme creado…

  • Created a topic, Cambios en child theme (tema hijo), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes: He creado un child theme y en su fiche…

  • Posted a reply to Error carga fichero css en child theme, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias por la respuesta. Efectivamente, pertenece al Core de Wordpress y como mi theme tienes…

  • Created a topic, Error carga fichero css en child theme, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes: No se me ocurren más cosas que probar…

  • Posted a reply to Editar archivos php y js en child theme (tema hijo), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Disculpa, no entiendo la respuesta.

  • Posted a reply to Child theme: edit php and js files, on the site Forums:
    But do I have to copy the php files in child theme and keep the…

  • Created a topic, Editar archivos php y js en child theme (tema hijo), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola He creado un child theme y, si mal no tengo ente…

  • Created a topic, Child theme: edit php and js files, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I created a child theme and I want to edit the co…

  • Created a topic, Errors DeveTool_child theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I created a child theme and the following erro…

  • Posted a reply to Desvinculación de hoja de estilos (css), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Sinceramente, no lo he localizado. Esta es la web ( Si me pudieras ayudar a…

  • Posted a reply to Error child theme en carga de ficheros js, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Estoy revisando y creo que puede ser que por el uso en el tema padre…

  • Created a topic, Desvinculación de hoja de estilos (css), on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas noches: He creado un child theme y veo que mi …

  • Created a topic, Error child theme en carga de ficheros js, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas noches: Estoy haciendo un child theme y cuando…

  • Posted a reply to Error failed to load resource al crear un child theme en WordPress, on the site Forums:
    I followed those steps and despite this I have the error

  • Created a topic, Error failed to load resource al crear un child theme en WordPress, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone: I am creating a child theme of a Wordpre…

  • Posted a reply to Child theme style, on the site Forums:
    The Child Theme has associated this file but I checked that this one does not…

  • Created a topic, Child theme style, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone: I created a child theme and the website …

  • Posted a reply to Child theme errors, on the site Forums:
    The question is that I have not received an adequate response from the author and…

  • Posted a reply to Child theme errors, on the site Forums:
    I bought it from site.

  • Posted a reply to Child theme errors, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, also the other two following errors indicated above are shown: Warning: count(): Parameter must…

  • Posted a reply to Child theme errors, on the site Forums:
    I'm not sure if I did it well. I renamed the folder MusicTheme-child as MusicTheme-child-old…

  • Created a topic, Child theme errors, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, 1. In Child theme's homepage some sectio…

  • Created a topic, Child theme does not take info from parent theme, on the site Forums:
    Good morning everyone: I have developed a child theme…

  • Posted a reply to Child theme & Widget Importer & Exporter, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Steve for your answer. I compared the code of the parent theme to the…

  • Created a topic, Child theme & Widget Importer & Exporter, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am trying to create a child theme and when I co…

  • Posted a reply to Child theme, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your answer. Let me know if I understood: Does it mean that I…

  • Created a topic, Child theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I'm trying to create child theme but I can no…

  • Created a topic, Creating a Child Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I read the instructions related to how create…