Committed [3079777] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt update -
Committed [3079771] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt edit -
Committed [3079767] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [3079693] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [3079485] to Plugins SVN:
bug-fix -
Committed [3079481] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [3079476] to Plugins SVN:
fix bug -
Committed [3079475] to Plugins SVN:
fix bug -
Committed [3079458] to Plugins SVN:
1. customization 2. WooCommerce single page -
Committed [2891807] to Plugins SVN:
Test on wp6.2 -
Committed [2891805] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2891804] to Plugins SVN:
Test on wp 6.2 -
Committed [2890991] to Plugins SVN:
Update design -
Committed [2890931] to Plugins SVN:
1.10.4 -
Committed [2865643] to Plugins SVN:
rename banner-772x250.jpg -
Committed [2865641] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot-1.png, screenshot-2.png, screenshot-3.png -
Committed [2865421] to Plugins SVN:
Update icon-128x128.gif -
Committed [2865418] to Plugins SVN:
Add icon-128x128.gif and banner-772x250.png.jpg -
Committed [2865412] to Plugins SVN:
Init -
Committed [2856180] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot-1.png, screenshot-2.png -
Committed [2856179] to Plugins SVN:
update banner-772x250.png -
Committed [2856176] to Plugins SVN:
banner-772x250.png upload -
Committed [2856174] to Plugins SVN:
init -
Committed [2855419] to Plugins SVN:
Remove date function -
Committed [2854413] to Plugins SVN:
Delete test.html -
Committed [2853173] to Plugins SVN:
Add Free support -
Committed [2853170] to Plugins SVN:
Update free support -
Committed [2853167] to Plugins SVN:
Add free support. -
Committed [2843456] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshots -
Committed [2843447] to Plugins SVN:
Banner and logo update -
Committed [2843444] to Plugins SVN:
icon upload -
Committed [2843439] to Plugins SVN:
Banner update -
Committed [2843436] to Plugins SVN:
banner-722x250.png upload -
Committed [2843430] to Plugins SVN:
Launch -
Committed [1676828] to Plugins SVN:
"fixbug & version 4.8" -
Committed [1647961] to Plugins SVN:
remove plugin name: -
Committed [1647960] to Plugins SVN:
--- ("load", --- update -
Committed [1647957] to Plugins SVN:
back old plugin name -
Committed [1634448] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin name: -
Committed [1633727] to Plugins SVN:
set default bg_color = white -
Committed [1633721] to Plugins SVN:
bg_color # and null fix -
Committed [1633717] to Plugins SVN:
init v1.0
Fay Chat
Active Installs: Less than 10
Php Version Fay
Active Installs: Less than 10