Franz Josef Kaiser
@f-j-kaiser on, @kaiser on Slack
- Member Since: November 17th, 2008
- Location: Vienna/Austria (Europe)
- Website:
- Employer: wecodemore
Contribution History
Franz Josef Kaiser’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
Mentioned in [58097] on Core SVN:
Bootstrap/Load: Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses. -
Wrote a comment on the post Nextgen Bootstrap/Load Feature Project, on the site Make WordPress Core:
This sounds like a very sane and well thought through proposal. I hope it does… -
Mentioned in [39895] on Core SVN:
Taxonomy: Add an explanation for "Parent" dropdown for hierarchical custom taxonomies. -
Wrote a comment on the post New lead for 4.7: Helen Hou-Sandí, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Someone is becoming a father? Congratulations, @Matt -
Wrote a comment on the post A data schema for meta, on the site Make WordPress Core:
So you are proposing that the same function can be used to perform two different… -
Wrote a comment on the post A data schema for meta, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I am stunned by that proposal. This is maybe the most (backwards compatibility) breaking change… -
Wrote a comment on the post A data schema for meta, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Sure about `type=>integer` for an image? Also, I would suggest to use `_`/underscore instead of… -
Wrote a comment on the post Thinking about the Plugin Directory IA, on the site Make
Where is the link to GitHub (or Bitbucket)? When already in the process of redesigning,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Query improvements in WP 4.2: ‘orderby’ and ‘meta_query’, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Rock'n'Roll -
Created ticket #31395 on Core Trac:
Indicate difference of two visually equal, but otherwise different images -
Reopened ticket #24566 on Core Trac:
in media selection screens a mouseover should display a tooltip with basic ... -
Reopened ticket #23880 on Core Trac:
Minimum PHP version in Plugins -
Mentioned in [31408] on Core SVN:
Always pass back the custom classes `get_post_class()` was called with, even if the post was not found. -
Created ticket #31281 on Core Trac:
Register JavaScript/Underscore templates using the WP Dependency API -
Created ticket #31280 on Core Trac:
Remove need for numeric keys for admin post screen messages -
Created ticket #31174 on Core Trac:
The get_terms() argument "fields" renders "get_terms_fields" & ... -
Wrote a comment on the post New Template Tags in 4.1, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hey Konstantin, didn't you forget a dash in there: page-template-page-templatesfull-width-php ? -
Created ticket #28821 on Core Trac:
Admin page registered with add_menu_page() allows access through wrong ... -
Created ticket #24684 on Core Trac:
posts_clauses Query filter should have array as argument -
Created ticket #23447 on Core Trac:
Explanation for "parent" dropdown missing for hierarchical custom ... -
Closed ticket #22295 on Core Trac:
wp_convert_bytes_to_hr(): annoying notice if 0 bytes and deprecated or ... -
Created ticket #22271 on Core Trac:
get_post_class() does not always apply filter to output -
Mentioned in [22261] on Core SVN:
Enter the semicolon. -
Created ticket #21941 on Core Trac:
Remove get_post_format_slugs() -
Committed [593418] to Plugins SVN:
v0.6.1 Major refactoring -
Created ticket #21563 on Core Trac:
"Save as" button disappearing on edit/new post screens -
Created ticket #21393 on Core Trac:
Fix taxonomy term description comment, help and translation -
Created ticket #20310 on Core Trac:
Add "flush rewrite rules" as note to "save permalinks"-button -
Reopened ticket #19460 on Core Trac:
Move filter for 'admin_body_class' to make it accessible for scripts and ... -
Created ticket #19460 on Core Trac:
Move filter for 'admin_body_class' to make it accessible for scripts and ... -
Committed [464459] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [464457] to Plugins SVN:
Changed readme.txt -
Committed [464456] to Plugins SVN:
replace screenshot.jpg with screenshot-1.jpg for the repo display -
Committed [462778] to Plugins SVN:
0.3 Final, stable, fully translated release using WP List Tables API -
Committed [460386] to Plugins SVN:
Created ticket #19130 on Core Trac:
current wp-login.php call to wp_admin_css() bypasses its own filter -
Created ticket #19073 on Core Trac:
wp_die() can be a wrapper for WP_Error objects, but also triggers if no ... -
Created ticket #19041 on Core Trac:
function to list all (true) conditionals (in an array) -
Created ticket #18951 on Core Trac:
A function to add default images for themes -
Created ticket #18947 on Core Trac:
get_intermediate_image_sizes() should also contain width/height/crop ... -
Created ticket #18822 on Core Trac:
get_permalink() produces an add. DB request without $post->filter -
Created ticket #18406 on Core Trac:
Check if pluggable function was already defined by other plugin -
Created ticket #18405 on Core Trac:
Check if pluggable function was already defined by other plugin -
Committed [386027] to Plugins SVN:
next try to fix readme -
Committed [386004] to Plugins SVN:
first try to add a working readme.txt for the repo -
Committed [385970] to Plugins SVN:
first commit -
Closed ticket #15388 on Core Trac:
get_posts does not order by menu_order -
Reopened ticket #15388 on Core Trac:
get_posts does not order by menu_order -
Created ticket #16124 on Core Trac:
Strange hook name -
Created ticket #13045 on Core Trac:
Login: Add Classes for better plugin-support and change from <p> to <div> ...
WCM User Language Switcher
Active Installs: 100+
Active Installs: 10+
Meta Box
Active Installs: 600,000+
Post Type Archive Link
Active Installs: 10,000+