Erik Tadevosyan
@eriktadevosyan on
- Member Since: November 12th, 2019
- GitHub: grogou
Contribution History
Erik Tadevosyan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to PHP Deprecated: strpos(), on the site Forums:
Thank you) -
Created a topic, PHP Deprecated: strpos(), on the site Forums:
Hi there. There is a deprication with php 8.1. P… -
Posted a reply to Error 500 when activate plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi @sirmedina and thank you for response. Can you provide more details about your issue?… -
Closed issue #39114 on the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
addEventListener 'load' not working on FSE editor. -
Created issue #39114 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
addEventListener 'load' not working on FSE editor. -
Closed issue #38978 on the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Invalid block validation after save. -
Created issue #38978 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Invalid block validation after save. -
Closed issue #38692 on the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Scroll event doesn't working -
Created issue #38692 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Scroll event doesn't working -
Created issue #35768 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Navigation and Mini Cart blocks conflict -
Posted a reply to WP_CLI : Undefined index HTTP_HOST, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much, You are completely right, it generates warning message, but we are… -
Posted a reply to WP_CLI : Undefined index HTTP_HOST, on the site Forums:
Or like this code, you can find a better way. Thank you! -
Posted a reply to WP_CLI : Undefined index HTTP_HOST, on the site Forums:
You can use this code fragment in the plugin init action if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI)… -
Created a topic, WP_CLI : Undefined index HTTP_HOST, on the site Forums:
Hello I have some errors in woo-rfq-for-woocommerce.p…
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