Carlos Pereira
@enrique71 on
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: November 6th, 2020
- Location: Montpelier, VT, USA
- GitHub: enrique71
Posted a reply to Breadcrumb top level link “Events” not linking to /events/, on the site Forums:
Thank you @kutatishh, yes Sky's answer resolved this issue. :) -
Created a topic, What happens if form is on two posts?, on the site Forums:
I am creating an event registration form using Ninja F… -
Posted a reply to Breadcrumb top level link “Events” not linking to /events/, on the site Forums:
Hi Marho thank you for the reply. Sorry, which article? -
Posted a reply to Breadcrumb top level link “Events” not linking to /events/, on the site Forums:
Perhaps I could submit a GitHub issue on this? -
Created a topic, Breadcrumb top level link “Events” not linking to /events/, on the site Forums:
Is the top level breadcrumb supposed to revert to show… -
Created a topic, Default metadata, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Just wondering if you've added support yet… -
Created a topic, Works seamlessly with Ninja Forms, on the site Forums:
Using this to drive popups on my Twenty Twenty-One chi… -
Posted a reply to Adding two TOC blocks with different parameters set, on the site Forums:
Thank you! -
Created a topic, Adding two TOC blocks with different parameters set, on the site Forums:
I've set the first TOC on this page to show <H2>… -
Created a topic, Nice style, lightweight plugin, easy to use, on the site Forums:
Works nicely, automatically updates when you change co… -
Posted a reply to Stack tribe-block__venue__meta and tribe-block__venue__map on mobile, on the site Forums:
Thanks for taking a look Stephen. Here is one example on my dev site, it… -
Posted a reply to CSS from TEC affecting Page Settings panel, on the site Forums:
Hi - I can also confirm that I have debug on (it is a local… -
Posted a reply to Is there a “how-to” on reading the Code Reference?, on the site Forums:
Thank you @bcworkz - that is great advice and I need to setup a test… -
Posted a reply to CSS from TEC affecting Page Settings panel, on the site Forums:
I was able to reproduce the problem by following your steps (with my style customization… -
Posted a reply to Is there a “how-to” on reading the Code Reference?, on the site Forums:
Thanks so much @bcworkz, your perspective on this is a help! Maybe I can take… -
Posted a reply to Inline style overriding TT1 variables, on the site Forums:
Not an important question, marking as resolved. -
Created a topic, CSS from TEC affecting Page Settings panel, on the site Forums:
I noticed that my Gutenberg admin panel had a funky st… -
Posted a reply to Is there a “how-to” on reading the Code Reference?, on the site Forums:
Another question which might be WP specific is: where are WordPress conventions listed such as… -
Created a topic, Is there a “how-to” on reading the Code Reference?, on the site Forums:
Hi there, newbie here but making progress. In the Code… -
Created a topic, Stack tribe-block__venue__meta and tribe-block__venue__map on mobile, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Tweaking css on my site and noticed that at… -
Created a topic, Inline style overriding TT1 variables, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I am adjusting colors through some of the v… -
Created a topic, Mobile menu disappears only in Firefox, on the site Forums:
On clicking the mobile Menu icon, the menu does not sh… -
Created a topic, Good, on the site Forums:
Works almost out of the box. I wish I could set a seco… -
Posted a reply to Question on tribe_events categories main categories, on the site Forums:
Thanks again for your help - closing the thread. -
Posted a reply to Lovely theme! How are styles organized?, on the site Forums:
Closing this thread, thanks. -
Posted a reply to Question on tribe_events categories main categories, on the site Forums:
Thank you! I need to find time to read the documentation lol. Just have about… -
Posted a reply to Link styling within event content, on the site Forums:
I found the correct answer. In TEC's "Settings", on the Display tab, setting the first… -
Posted a reply to Link styling within event content, on the site Forums:
FYI for theme Twenty Twenty-One I added the following, which (so far seems to) replace… -
Created a topic, Link styling within event content, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I'm wondering why tribe-events-full.min.cs… -
Posted a reply to Question on tribe_events categories main categories, on the site Forums:
Apologies for my poorly worded question! I am looking to have both posts and TEC… -
Posted a reply to Pods Content Extending not seen, on the site Forums:
Your items (1) through (3) are easily achievable through CSS styling. If you know someone… -
Posted a reply to Associate main taxonomy (post categories) with other content types?, on the site Forums:
Amazing, thank you so much! -
Created a topic, Associate main taxonomy (post categories) with other content types?, on the site Forums:
I have successfully created a couple of custom taxonom… -
Posted a reply to Pods Content Extending not seen, on the site Forums:
You could probably use Pods to recreate all the relational links between recipes, ingredients, etc,… -
Created a topic, Question on tribe_events categories main categories, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Found this post which is close to what my q… -
Posted a reply to Relative path to child theme custom page template, on the site Forums:
In the ( for get_header(), not in the spec but in the description it says:… -
Posted a reply to Relative path to child theme custom page template, on the site Forums:
Thank you @dmpinder, I had a feeling it was something like that but wasn't sure… -
Created a topic, Relative path to child theme custom page template, on the site Forums:
Where is the pathname base for a child theme declared?… -
Posted a reply to Notice on wordpress website after update, on the site Forums:
@dhruboz your advice helped me with this error. My site is running in a local… -
Posted a reply to Lovely theme! How are styles organized?, on the site Forums:
Thank you Ellen, that is a big help! I see --global--max-content-width: 93rem which restricts grid… -
Created a topic, Lovely theme! How are styles organized?, on the site Forums:
Hi Elma (yes both of you;), I love this theme and am … -
Posted a reply to Warning: undefined array key … in wp-cli.phar on line 213, on the site Forums:
Can't edit title of thread. Starting a new one since this one is probably scaring… -
Posted a reply to Warning: undefined array key … in wp-cli.phar on line 213, on the site Forums:
Well, I managed to get php working on my machine by following instructions here:… -
Posted a reply to Images not displayed after upgrading to wordpress 5.7, on the site Forums:
I had some time to investigate the problem further on my site and I narrowed… -
Posted a reply to Warning: undefined array key … in wp-cli.phar on line 213, on the site Forums:
Update: I needed to create a (development) php.ini and uncomment extension=openssl as well as the… -
Created a topic, Warning: undefined array key … in wp-cli.phar on line 213, on the site Forums:
I installed wp-cli according to instructions on Win 10… -
Created a topic, Life saver for aging sites!, on the site Forums:
THANK YOU _/\_ for this plugin, has extended the life …