Krzysztof Busłowicz
@elkurczako on, @Krzysztof Busłowicz on Slack
- Member Since: June 14th, 2015
- GitHub: elkurczako
Contribution History
Krzysztof Busłowicz’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 1 string on
Translated 398 strings on
Translated 2 strings on
Completed the course Introduction to Block Development: Build your first custom block on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Created a topic, Keyboard inaccessible, bad HTML. WCAG fails immediately., on the site Forums:
I'm curious, why did you choose to insert the <div&… -
Reviewed 14 strings on
Created a topic, Really works with custom post types, on the site Forums:
I've been trying several plugins to generate a proper … -
Wrote a new post, PTE request for EWWW Image Optimizer, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello, I'm a translation contributor and proposed over 700 strings to Stable and Stable readme… -
Suggested 6 strings on
Created a topic, Absolutely must have for WP development, on the site Forums:
I use this plugin almost every day. Saved my time a hu… -
Created a topic, Accessibility much better than other LMS, but still.., on the site Forums:
Quite nice done course creator. But student account is… -
Created a topic, Not accessible. Mouse users only, poor HTML., on the site Forums:
Checked the demo. Looks nice and functional, but sorry… -
Created a topic, Works great., on the site Forums:
Thank you for the plugin. Migrated from WPML to Polyla… -
Created a topic, Office 365 API extension, on the site Forums:
Greetings to the NEW Supprt Team! I have constant "smt… -
Committed [2677397] to Plugins SVN:
This versions fixes HTML emails and a major problem when CFDB7 plugin ... -
Committed [2677395] to Plugins SVN:
This versions fixes HTML emails and a major problem when CFDB7 plugin ... -
Committed [2672702] to Plugins SVN:
Stable readme update -
Committed [2672699] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin readme update -
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for Double Opt-in…, on the site Translate WordPress:
PTE Request for Double Opt-in for CF7 I am the plugin author for Double Opt-in… -
Committed [2672393] to Plugins SVN:
Adding tag 1.0.0. -
Committed [2672015] to Plugins SVN:
First plugin release. -
Committed [2671998] to Plugins SVN:
First assets release -
Posted a reply to Delete pdf generated in media file, on the site Forums:
Hello, I would love to have such option to delete PDF attachment after wpcf7 mails… -
Posted a reply to Add filter for delimiter export csv, on the site Forums:
Hello, I can see the commit. Great, but still no change in WP repository. Best… -
Created a topic, Great functionality without accesibility, on the site Forums:
I really appreciate the functionality of this plugin. … -
Created a topic, Works fine with other CF7 extensions, on the site Forums:
Really works. Created pdf's are quite good (when you f… -
Posted a reply to Errors upon pdf creation and HTML from CF7 textarea not sanitized, on the site Forums:
Because no one answers. To repair textareas handling I've changed: $value = htmlspecialchars($value); on line… -
Created a topic, Errors upon pdf creation and HTML from CF7 textarea not sanitized, on the site Forums:
Hello, I've found lots of PHP notices in my debug.log,… -
Created a topic, Toolbar creates more accessibility problems than whole plugin solves., on the site Forums:
As most of these "accessibility" plugins this one will… -
Posted a reply to ACADP Search widget soes not show custom fields, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your fast reply. I've checked my custom theme and found the problem… -
Created a topic, ACADP Search widget soes not show custom fields, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I really appreciate your plugin because of i… -
Posted a reply to Custom fields searchable, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your answer Rafiz. Ok. Now I know how it works. Now I have… -
Created a topic, Custom fields searchable, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have some custom fields assigned to a specifi… -
Created a topic, Hierarchical directorist categories, on the site Forums:
Hello again. Can I have hierarchical listing categorie… -
Created a topic, Categories widget (with parent selected) hiding, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm trying to set Directorist Categories Widget… -
Posted a reply to Import is not working, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have the same problem. Only 70 products in store. I have modified exported… -
Created a topic, Surprised me!, on the site Forums:
Plugin does his job nicely. The best - I still can see… -
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for WooCommerce Wholesale…, on the site Translate WordPress:
PTE Request for WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin Hello, I’ve suggested all the translations for this… -
Posted a reply to WPML support, on the site Forums:
Hello. It would be great if CBR settings would apply based on selected language. I've… -
Created a topic, Simple and efficient, and the support is great, on the site Forums:
This plugin provides all the functionality I need even… -
Posted a reply to Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
Closing - resolved. -
Posted a reply to Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
That did the trick! Thank you very much for your time and effort. Great support! -
Posted a reply to Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
The problem is, that with < I get output: & lt;Supplier-Catalog timestamp="28-11-2019 23:24:57"> and yes… -
Posted a reply to Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
Damn… 'AND-SIGNlt;Supplier-Catalog timestamp=”28-11-2019 12:31:25″>' -
Posted a reply to Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
Ok - system converted last example - of course... :-) I can get <Supplier-Catalog timestamp=”28-11-2019… -
Created a topic, Problem with HTML entities output, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm trying to get xml with parameter inside the… -
Created a topic, Konflikt z wtyczką Smart Slider 3, on the site Forums:
Po aktywacji Sierotek przestaje działać shortcode wt… -
Created a topic, Translation in WP admin menu, on the site Forums:
Howdy. I'm creator of Polish translation. I'm using th…
Double Opt-in for CF7
Active Installs: 200+
Completed Courses
Total completed courses: 1
- Introduction to Block Development: Build your first custom block September 24, 2024
Polski (Polish) Plugins Translation Editor - #pl_PL
Double Opt-in for CF7
Active Installs: 200+
EWWW Image Optimizer
Active Installs: 1+ million
Newsletter – Send awesome emails from WordPress
Active Installs: 300,000+
Active Installs: 8+ million