Erwin Gerrits
@egerrits on
- Member Since: February 8th, 2009
- Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Website:
- Job Title: IT/Logistics Manager
- Employer: AFPASI
Created ticket #1609 on BuddyPress Trac:
Friend List favours groups -
Committed [192404] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes misaligned buttons on the create event -> avatar upload screen -
Committed [192398] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes button position on event creation avatar upload screen -
Committed [192395] to Plugins SVN:
I uploaded the wrong version before. This fixes leave event -
Committed [192363] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed Leave Event not working bug #3 on -
Committed [192354] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed ReadMe version history -
Committed [192351] to Plugins SVN:
Update Readme files with tagged 1.1.3 version being the latest stable tag. -
Committed [192350] to Plugins SVN:
bp-events 1.1.3 tag version is compatible with BP 1.1.3 -
Committed [192299] to Plugins SVN:
Now works with BP 1.1.3 on my test site @ -
Committed [172814] to Plugins SVN:
Made "Upcoming" the default Site Events sort method instead of "Active". ... -
Committed [169445] to Plugins SVN:
Added "Upcoming" option to events widget and fixed a residual "Groups" ... -
Committed [169319] to Plugins SVN:
Synced with bp rev 2072, nov 1, 2009 -
Committed [167376] to Plugins SVN:
Synced with BP rev 2055 -
Committed [166546] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes bug #13 - blank page after wire posting -
Committed [166542] to Plugins SVN:
Basic Directory view is back in Events, including the Events tab on Home ... -
Committed [165569] to Plugins SVN:
Added italian language files -
Committed [162795] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed spacing issue in case there are no 'old' events -
Committed [162789] to Plugins SVN:
Also replaced all 'buddypress' with "bp-events" references in "single" ... -
Committed [162786] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes bug #6 - replace 'buddypress' localization domain to 'bp-events' -
Committed [161394] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed Group filters and updated German language files courtesy of Tom Opp -
Committed [161084] to Plugins SVN:
Included css/images/js this time... -
Committed [161083] to Plugins SVN:
Try this again... this subversion thing is not working for me... same as ... -
Committed [161081] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161080] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161079] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161077] to Plugins SVN:
This fixes buggy 0.60 zip file with missing files (hopefully) -
Committed [161076] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161075] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161073] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161072] to Plugins SVN:
Got to fix the 0.60 version missing files... ignore trunk update - need to ... -
Committed [161071] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161070] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [161069] to Plugins SVN:
Synched up to rev2042 of BuddyPress -
Committed [160088] to Plugins SVN:
keeping code in sync up to BP 1.1 revision 1852... more to do... -
Committed [160086] to Plugins SVN:
Keeping up with BP-core groups changes -
Committed [160082] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [160080] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [160079] to Plugins SVN:
Finally got the files into the right directories -
Committed [160078] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [160075] to Plugins SVN:
Misc typos -
Committed [160073] to Plugins SVN:
Moved files into directories to make installation easier: just move ... -
Committed [160071] to Plugins SVN:
bp-events trunk version compatible with BP 1.1 and newer. Some features ... -
Committed [160061] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 0.6 compatible with BP 1.0.3 and older ONLY. -
Committed [160060] to Plugins SVN:
Branch this version 0.6 as last stable release for pre-BP 1.1. For 1.1 abd ... -
Committed [145373] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed SQL error in tag table creation (caused blank page in events admin ... -
Committed [144612] to Plugins SVN:
German language files - thanks to webart -
Committed [144610] to Plugins SVN:
(c)rudimentary calendar view is functionally working. Needs some serious ... -
Committed [130318] to Plugins SVN:
Remove unused files & directories (left over from moving Directory to ... -
Committed [130317] to Plugins SVN:
Updated language files -
Committed [130315] to Plugins SVN: