Denis de Bernardy
@denis-de-bernardy on, @ddebernardy on Slack
- Member Since: March 21st, 2005
- Location: Hungary
- Website:
Contribution History
Denis de Bernardy’s badges:- BuddyPress Contributor
- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
Mentioned in [57545] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Introduce Plugin Dependencies. -
Mentioned in [56022] on Core SVN:
Quick/Bulk Edit: Don't set publish date when editing drafts. -
Mentioned in [55974] on Core SVN:
Administration: Hide password in options/writing. -
Mentioned in [53815] on Core SVN:
Administration: Change default site tagline to an empty string. -
Mentioned in [49563] on Core SVN:
Canonical: Prevent ID enumeration of private post slugs. -
Mentioned in [45042] on Core SVN:
Bundled Theme: trigger a new `wp_body_open` action immediately after the opening `body` tag. -
Mentioned in [44948] on Core SVN:
Feeds: ensure build/update date matches current query. -
Created a topic, Piece of s%$& plugin creates db dumps in the web folder for all to access, on the site Forums:
This piece of crap plugin creates wp-sucuri-db-dump-gz… -
Mentioned in [38571] on Core SVN:
Hooks: Add the new class `WP_Hook`, and modify hook handling to make use of it. -
Mentioned in [36629] on Core SVN:
In `WP::handle_404()` introduce a filter `pre_handle_404` to short-circuit default header status handling. -
Mentioned in [36617] on Core SVN:
Authentication: Allow users to log in using their email address. -
Mentioned in [34668] on Core SVN:
Correctly slash post fields when trashing and untrashing posts. -
Mentioned in [32648] on Core SVN:
When parsing what appears to be a date archive request, check for a post with a clashing permalink before resolving to the archive. -
Mentioned in [32647] on Core SVN:
Disallow post slugs that will result in permalinks that conflict with date archive URLs. -
Mentioned in [31964] on Core SVN:
When shifting `WP_Rewrite::flush_rules()` to a later action if it was called too early, make sure to do a hard flush if requested. -
Created ticket #31176 on Core Trac:
Ctrl + [number] shortcuts aren't working in Safari on OS X -
Created ticket #31156 on Core Trac:
TinyMCE doesn't always clean up and remove the non-breaking spaces it's ... -
Closed ticket #15769 on Core Trac:
WordPress ships with copyrighted "Hello, Dolly!" lyrics which could ... -
Reopened ticket #25788 on Core Trac:
Increase timeout for `plugins/update-check` API request -
Created ticket #29132 on Core Trac:
improve hash_equals() introduced in r29382 -
Closed ticket #28451 on Core Trac:
current_user_can() not working properly in a network -
Closed ticket #28468 on Core Trac:
wp_capabalities (wp_usermeta table) actually serialized array of user_role -
Wrote a comment on the post Community Priorities, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Imho, he's absolutely not talking trash. He's simply laying things out as they are. The… -
Reopened ticket #10390 on Core Trac:
attachments should store the WP uploads path that was configured when they ... -
Created ticket #28216 on Core Trac:
Allow to register pre-instantiated widgets -
Closed ticket #27932 on Core Trac:
Image Editor Missing Features -
Created ticket #28024 on Core Trac:
WordPress doesn't honor array query vars -
Reopened ticket #27858 on Core Trac:
Bug HTML onmouseover and onmouseout -
Created ticket #27888 on Core Trac:
Feature request: `get_current_admin_url()` and `get_current_admin_hook()` -
Created ticket #5563 on BuddyPress Trac:
Possible BP bug during WP upgrades -
Created ticket #27801 on Core Trac:
`wp_dirname()` to match `wp_basename()` -
Created ticket #27749 on Core Trac:
`wp_die()` should die in plain text when running the test suite -
Created ticket #27747 on Core Trac:
Inconsistent type default between `submit_button()` and ... -
Created ticket #27742 on Core Trac:
Possibly revisit who is part of our trusted certificate authorities -
Created ticket #27722 on Core Trac:
Don't fire a warning when the WP API timeouts — or do so properly. -
Reopened ticket #27538 on Core Trac:
Widget Customizer: Persistent object cache/Transients causes certain ... -
Created ticket #27693 on Core Trac:
Incorrect call to `mysqli_fetch_field()` -
Created ticket #27632 on Core Trac:
`wp_registration_url()` doesn't have a redirect argument -
Created ticket #27627 on Core Trac:
auth cookies lose their correct expiration date when changing password -
Created ticket #27624 on Core Trac:
Add a filter to override the location of htaccess file -
Closed ticket #22350 on Core Trac:
Restored Drafts Shouldn't Have a Publication Date -
Created ticket #27578 on Core Trac:
Editing a draft does not set `post_date_gmt`, but quick editing a draft ... -
Created ticket #27577 on Core Trac:
Inconsistent hook names in `wp_trash_post()` and `wp_untrash_post()` -
Created ticket #27550 on Core Trac:
Incorrect slashing in `wp_trash_post()` and `wp_untrash_post()` -
Created ticket #27507 on Core Trac:
get_posts() not honoring post_status criteria -
Reopened ticket #27421 on Core Trac:
Escape madness in meta API -
Created ticket #27424 on Core Trac:
Dubious code flow in add_metadata() -
Created ticket #27421 on Core Trac:
Escape madness in meta API -
Closed ticket #27208 on Core Trac:
Make add_filter and add_action available in wp-config.php -
Created ticket #27272 on Core Trac:
WP meta queries comparing apples to oranges
Author Image
Active Installs: 2,000+
Auto Thickbox
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XML Sitemaps
Active Installs: 2,000+