@dejudicibus on
- Member Since: December 15th, 2004
Contribution History
dejudicibus’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Good but it can be improved, on the site Forums:
The plugin is good and easy to use but it can be impro… -
Created a topic, Author, on the site Forums:
It would be nice to add the author below the title for… -
Created a topic, Enable “file” button for translation, on the site Forums:
The AVATAR block uses an input field of type "file", w… -
Created a topic, Edit only my profile, on the site Forums:
The standard Edit Profile form shortcode shows on the … -
Created a topic, Add an input field for an existing meta, on the site Forums:
I have a bunch of attributes associated with my users,… -
Created a topic, Programmatically edit avatar image, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to put the avatar image on a page and l… -
Created a topic, Cannot load PDF, on the site Forums:
I get this error: PDF.js v1.9.426 (build: 2558a58d)… -
Created a topic, Login page as initial home page, on the site Forums:
I created a site where there is only one WordPress use… -
Created a topic, Widget Title, on the site Forums:
In Futurio Extra, in social.php at line #233 there is … -
Created a topic, Futurio shortcodes, on the site Forums:
In the Ocean demo, in the blog section, Futurio uses a… -
Posted a reply to Multiple calls to setup hook function and problems with loading text domain, on the site Forums:
PS WP-CRON is disabled, so it is NOT responsible for multiple calls to after_setup_theme hook. -
Created a topic, Multiple calls to setup hook function and problems with loading text domain, on the site Forums:
I'm adding a new section to a WordPress site developed… -
Created a topic, Cannot import custom taxonomies from post taxonomy file, on the site Forums:
I am using WP Imp Exp to export POST taxonomies and re… -
Created a topic, Contenuti scritto da un utente ma visibile solo a un altro, on the site Forum Italiano:
Supponiamo di avere un sito e due utenti registrati al… -
Created a topic, Languages, on the site Forums:
I cannot find ProfilePress stuff in plugin folder. I n… -
Created a topic, Are protected posts hidden in archive pages?, on the site Forums:
Let us suppose that I protect a post with a password. … -
Posted a reply to Reusable block says: the block cannot be displayed inside itself, on the site Forums:
I have the same problem. Yesterday all the reusable blocks disappeared. If I edit a… -
Posted a reply to WS-Form stopped working: wsf_form_json_config is not defined, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much. Your support was really precious. -
Posted a reply to WS-Form stopped working: wsf_form_json_config is not defined, on the site Forums:
The problem was solved by adding AFTER the shortcode a bloc of code <hr class="dashed"… -
Created a topic, WS-Form stopped working: wsf_form_json_config is not defined, on the site Forums:
Since yesterday WS-Form stopped working. The error on … -
Created a topic, Serious problem with plugin, on the site Forums:
There is a serious problem with Captcha Bank. Since to… -
Posted a reply to Wrong number of users in sidebar only, on the site Forums:
I had BuddyPress but I have it no more. I disabled it and removed. Do… -
Created a topic, Wrong number of users in sidebar only, on the site Forums:
Something strange occurs in my site. If I llook at adm… -
Created a topic, Attualmente è in corso un altro aggiornamento, on the site Forum Italiano:
Sto cercando di aggiornare alla versione 5.1.1 su Wamp… -
Posted a reply to Menus see converted pages as pages and not posts, on the site Forums:
Any way to fix it, maybe by working directly on the WP database by phpMyAdmin? -
Wrote a comment on the post What’s New in Gutenberg? (23th January), on the site Make WordPress Core:
The major problem of new WP5 is the text editor. In fact I installed the… -
Posted a reply to Wrong number of users, on the site Forums:
The _user table conbtains only TWO records as expected, the _usermeta 477. Any idea why? -
Created a topic, Wrong number of users, on the site Forums:
In my WP I have only TWO users: me, that is, the admin… -
Created a topic, Back to old code editor, please., on the site Forums:
When I switch to code editor in the new Gutenberg edit… -
Created a topic, Menus see converted pages as pages and not posts, on the site Forums:
I converted a number of pages to posts. It worked but … -
Created a topic, Unable to display Facebook posts, on the site Forums:
I installed the plugin, specified the id of page and t… -
Created a topic, What is Available Tools for?, on the site Forums:
I really do not understand what the Available Tools is… -
Posted a reply to EXCLUDE feature, on the site Forums:
OK, go to the click on "Progetti Commedia" (the third playlist from left). As… -
Created a topic, EXCLUDE feature, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to automatically exclude private videos… -
Created a topic, Does not work, on the site Forums:
Responsive columns does not work even if I installed t… -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
OK, but if I give back control to MLA, as such: <h3>Gallery Album</h3> <p class="manifest">Clicca… -
Posted a reply to Does not work at all for page categories, on the site Forums:
Found a solution -
Created a topic, Does not work at all for page categories, on the site Forums:
I have six pages to which I associated the category Ma… -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums:
OK doesn't matter. I will use another plugin. -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums:
Any idea what's wrong? -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
OK, it works now. It looks like thumb_height and thumb_width are ignored. I had to… -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
I also wonder why, when I load the gallery, the albums related to the first… -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
Wow... I did not expected that MLA was so sophisticated. Close to a script language.… -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums:
I have no posts. Only pages. Category masterclass is for pages. I have no post… -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums:
Furthermore there is no way to change the content of setting field Exclude by post… -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums:
Note that works. -
Posted a reply to No post found, on the site Forums: category: masterclass -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
In practice I have groups of images. I wish to make a gallery of albums… -
Posted a reply to Albums i.e. nested galleries, on the site Forums:
First of all thank you for answer. I understand how to do 1 and 2,… -
Created a topic, No post found, on the site Forums:
I created a new post gris, selected Pages, selected a …