
  • Member Since: July 29th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Lottie plays on page load before scroll, on the site Forums:
    I'm guessing not but once you understand the Lottie language its pretty simple to implement.…

  • Created a topic, Navigation Breakpoint, on the site Forums:
    My navigation is switching to a hamburger at 600px. I …

  • Posted a reply to Header Navigation Not Responding to right Edge, on the site Forums:
    @uxl, you are a genius.

  • Posted a reply to Page content width in Twenty Twenty-two theme, on the site Forums:
    It looks like all your content is in a Column Block. In the editor, go…

  • Posted a reply to How to restrict width to be content width in full width header, on the site Forums:
    In the editor, you could put the blocks you want to be boxed inside a…

  • Created a topic, Header Navigation Not Responding to right Edge, on the site Forums:
    It seems that some blocks that I have justified right …

  • Posted a reply to New template, on the site Forums:
    Awesome! Glad it worked!

  • Posted a reply to New template, on the site Forums:
    I ran into this issue as well and I am no pro but I did…

  • Posted a reply to On theme updates, what happens with the customizations?, on the site Forums:
    @andynick, I am not talking about the WordPress "Customizer". I'm talking about making edits in…

  • Created a topic, Lottie plays on page load before scroll, on the site Forums:
    I have a lottie animation below the fold on this page.…

  • Posted a reply to Header Template Part Full Width, on the site Forums:
    Ok I found it! I didn't realize you had to flip the inherit default layout…

  • Posted a reply to Header Template Part Full Width, on the site Forums:
    Hi Oliver, Can you provide me with more details? Is this in the template editor…

  • Posted a reply to When the page loads, all header parts are moving, on the site Forums:
    It would be best if you could share a link of where you are seeing…

  • Posted a reply to On theme updates, what happens with the customizations?, on the site Forums:
    From what I understand, any changes you make in the Editor would be saved upon…

  • Created a topic, Header Template Part Full Width, on the site Forums:
    I tried the code below but no luck. Any ideas?: .wp-s…

  • Posted a reply to header background image, on the site Forums:
    Try at least 1920 px wide

  • Posted a reply to Removing blank space between blocks in twenty twenty two, on the site Forums:
    You go into theme.json and you'll see something called block gap. You can set it…

  • Posted a reply to Custom CSS, on the site Forums:
    If you have a child theme and you add CSS to your child theme's style.css,…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Block themes, a new way to build themes in WordPress 5.9, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I second this. How is a child theme designed in this new version of Wordpress?

  • Posted a reply to Editorskit disables Twentig, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Munir. There was an additional caching plugin that we were unaware of. For now,…

  • Created a topic, Editorskit disables Twentig, on the site Forums:
    The title says it all. I have various settings using t…

  • Posted a reply to Animations Stopped Triggering, on the site Forums:
    Hummingbird deactivated. No results. Animation plugin is installed and active.

  • Created a topic, Animations Stopped Triggering, on the site Forums:
    The text in the hero image is supposed to have an anim…

  • Created a topic, CSS Styling Posts and Not Pages, on the site Forums:
    I want to create some custom styles for all single pos…

  • Created a topic, Wanting to style Page Title and Post Title Differently, on the site Forums:
    I have styled my page headers they way I want but it s…

  • Created a topic, Cover Block – No video on iOS, on the site Forums:
    I use Twenty Twenty One, most recent Wordpress update.…

  • Posted a reply to Cover Video not playing iOS, on the site Forums:
    bumping this thread. It is still an issue.

  • Created a topic, Images Slider – Move Title & Content Shifting, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I am working with two different issues with…

  • Posted a reply to Images in Slider Low Resolution, on the site Forums:
    Welp. It was Jetpack's CDN. Turned that sucker off and it worked.

  • Posted a reply to Images in Slider Low Resolution, on the site Forums:
    <!-- wp:advgb/images-slider {"images":[{"url":"","id":523,"title":""},{"id":522,"url":"","title":"","text":""}],"width":1240,"height":825,"vAlign":"flex-end","changed":true,"editorskit":{"devices":false,"desktop":true,"tablet":true,"mobile":true,"loggedin":true,"loggedout":true,"acf_visibility":"","acf_field":"","acf_condition":"","acf_value":"","migrated":false,"unit_test":false},"editorskit_typography":{"name":"","family":"","weight":""}} --> <div class="wp-block-advgb-images-slider advgb-images-slider-block"><div class="advgb-images-slider" dir="ltr"><div class="advgb-image-slider-item"><img src="" class="advgb-image-slider-img" alt="" style="width:100%;height:auto"/><div class="advgb-image-slider-item-info"…

  • Created a topic, Images in Slider Low Resolution, on the site Forums:
    The images in Image Slider are low resolution. They sh…

  • Posted a reply to The editor has encountered an unexpected error., on the site Forums:
    @stevejburge I disabled it. I see you can't delete it, funny. No issues when it's…

  • Posted a reply to The editor has encountered an unexpected error., on the site Forums:
    @stevejburge Correct. To be honest, I thought it was necessary to use the block editor.

  • Posted a reply to The editor has encountered an unexpected error., on the site Forums:
    Rolling back your plugin is does not do anything. However, if I roll the Gutenberg…

  • Posted a reply to The editor has encountered an unexpected error., on the site Forums:
    Same issue here. I'm running Twenty Twenty One theme and everything is completely updated. It…

  • Created a topic, Cover Video not playing iOS, on the site Forums:
    I know this has been an issue before that has supposed…