Colin Robinson
@crrobi01 on
- Member Since: July 1st, 2010
Contribution History
Colin Robinson’s badges:- Core Contributor
Committed [1338406] to Plugins SVN:
remove plgin from svn -
Committed [1338404] to Plugins SVN:
remove plugin from svn -
Committed [1338401] to Plugins SVN:
delete plugin -
Committed [1338400] to Plugins SVN:
delete plugin -
Mentioned in [25055] on Core SVN:
Remove some PHP4-ness from the antispambot() function, and update it to match some modern coding standards. -
Committed [609878] to Plugins SVN:
fixed to allow dashes -
Committed [523843] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin -
Committed [462927] to Plugins SVN:
no longer needed -
Committed [462926] to Plugins SVN:
updates -
Created ticket #18705 on Core Trac:
home_url() and is_home() with a static front page -
Created ticket #18500 on Core Trac:
Not checking if index exists -
Committed [424266] to Plugins SVN:
added stable release version -
Committed [424264] to Plugins SVN:
released 0.0.1 -
Committed [424260] to Plugins SVN:
readme -
Committed [424250] to Plugins SVN:
initial import