Committed [1685420] to Plugins SVN:
tagging -
Committed [1685419] to Plugins SVN:
uploading new release... -
Committed [1643388] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1643386] to Plugins SVN:
commit... -
Committed [1643385] to Plugins SVN:
uploading new release -
Committed [1600698] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1600695] to Plugins SVN:
1.8.4 upload -
Committed [1599273] to Plugins SVN:
branching... -
Committed [1599272] to Plugins SVN:
upload readme.txt -
Committed [1599270] to Plugins SVN:
1.8.3 upload -
Committed [1499975] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme -
Committed [1499974] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1499973] to Plugins SVN:
upload 1.8.2 files -
Committed [1472378] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme.txt -
Committed [1472376] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1472375] to Plugins SVN:
uploading 1.8.1 -
Committed [1308883] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme.txt -
Committed [1308882] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1308880] to Plugins SVN:
uploading new release... -
Committed [1270426] to Plugins SVN:
compat with wordpress translations -
Committed [1268944] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1268943] to Plugins SVN:
uploading... -
Committed [1266500] to Plugins SVN:
solving error on branch... -
Committed [1266495] to Plugins SVN:
branch -
Committed [1266494] to Plugins SVN:
uploading -
Committed [1265945] to Plugins SVN:
delete -
Committed [1265944] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme.txt -
Committed [1265943] to Plugins SVN:
tagging -
Committed [1265939] to Plugins SVN:
uploading... -
Committed [1260909] to Plugins SVN:
delete bad file. -
Committed [1258108] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme.txt -
Committed [1258103] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1258101] to Plugins SVN:
1.7.7. uploading -
Committed [1200920] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1200919] to Plugins SVN:
uploading new version -
Committed [1174173] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1174171] to Plugins SVN:
uploading new release -
Committed [1172576] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1172574] to Plugins SVN:
releasing new version... -
Committed [1169506] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1169504] to Plugins SVN:
uploading... -
Committed [1159149] to Plugins SVN:
tagging -
Committed [1159148] to Plugins SVN:
uploading 1.0.0 -
Committed [1152824] to Plugins SVN:
branch... -
Committed [1152822] to Plugins SVN:
commit... -
Committed [1152820] to Plugins SVN:
uploading... -
Committed [1152775] to Plugins SVN:
tagging... -
Committed [1152774] to Plugins SVN:
committing 0.9.1 -
Committed [1138982] to Plugins SVN:
uploading readme.txt -
Committed [1138977] to Plugins SVN: