@comunicacionabierta on
- Member Since: September 11th, 2015
Contribution History
comunicacionabierta’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Why profiles doesn’t appear on Fediverse at first?, on the site Forums:
All right! Thanks again :) ! -
Created a topic, Why profiles doesn’t appear on Fediverse at first?, on the site Forums:
Hi! I didn't know how to title properly this issue. … -
Posted a reply to Profiles not found on Fediverse, on the site Forums:
Thanks a lot!!! Now it seems to work properly. -
Posted a reply to Profiles not found on Fediverse, on the site Forums:
Me neither, I have no paid licence. There is a way to have a free… -
Posted a reply to Profiles not found on Fediverse, on the site Forums:
I do have Wordfence -
Posted a reply to Profiles not found on Fediverse, on the site Forums:
I'm using Ultimate Member for registration and I have implemented this code to redirect from… -
Created a topic, Profiles not found on Fediverse, on the site Forums:
Hi! I activate ActivityPub on this page where diffe… -
Posted a reply to Consume of server resources, on the site Forums:
Thanks a lot! I'll be trying all those advices you give me. Kind regards -
Posted a reply to Consume of server resources, on the site Forums:
Hi! Thanks for the work to see what happens. I give you as much information… -
Created a topic, A great opportunity to have your site translated, on the site Forums:
To make websites accesible for different language spea… -
Posted a reply to Consume of server resources, on the site Forums:
Hi! It's about the CPU usage. It goes extremely high when using a shared hosting… -
Created a topic, Consume of server resources, on the site Forums:
Hi! I've just noticed that the plugin consumes a lo… -
Created a topic, Several refresh needed to get the translation, on the site Forums:
Hi! I have just set the plugin on the website https… -
Created a topic, Please don’t set my question as spam, on the site Forums:
Hi! I just published a question titled "Board short… -
Created a topic, Board shortcode to show a Forum topic, on the site Forums:
Hi! I'm trying to set forums by boards. Then to sho… -
Created a topic, Language settings, on the site Forums:
Hi! I have my site in Spanish and set everything ok… -
Posted a reply to Accesibility, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the answer! -
Created a topic, Accesibility, on the site Forums:
Hi! I would like to know if the plugin is compliant wi… -
Posted a reply to It can’t access to the Webfinger endpoint, on the site Forums:
Ok, yes I do. I have the IndieAuth plugin but for some reason it doesn't… -
Posted a reply to It can’t access to the Webfinger endpoint, on the site Forums:
Do you think this has something to do with this problem on IndiePass? -
Posted a reply to Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
Is it possible is because doesn't support webmention???Look at this screenshot from -
Posted a reply to Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
I dont know... do you have an idea what can it be? Maybe I'm wrong… -
Created a topic, Great for making Internet being alive, on the site Forums:
Hypothesis is one of those technologies that understan… -
Created a topic, Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
Hi! I don't know if it's about IndieWeb plugin this… -
Created a topic, It can’t access to the Webfinger endpoint, on the site Forums:
On my site health page it says that: It can't acces… -
Posted a reply to Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
Nice! I'm gonna keep trying other methods. -
Posted a reply to Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
It uses the ActivityPub plugin and the IndieWeb ones. Any recommendation? -
Created a topic, Why my reply doesn’t appear on Mastodon, on the site Forums:
Please, help me understand. I have set this reply - ht… -
Posted a reply to I can only see my posts on the Main Feed, on the site Forums:
It's Elementor! -
Created a topic, It crashes on Tusky when writing, on the site Forums:
I have just installled and It ran smoothly until I tri… -
Created a topic, I can only see my posts on the Main Feed, on the site Forums:
Hi! When I go to… -
Posted a reply to No post title when answering to a federated post, on the site Forums:
That can be a game changer for the plugin and the logic. If It can… -
Posted a reply to No post title when answering to a federated post, on the site Forums:
thanks for the answer! It makes all the sensei indeed but home do I know… -
Created a topic, No post title when answering to a federated post, on the site Forums:
Hi! Why when I answer via Friends a publication on … -
Posted a reply to Remote-Reply lightbox, on the site Forums:
Sure! Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Remote-Reply lightbox, on the site Forums:
All right!!! Wow, amazing!!! Thanks for the good work. Now that I'm here I comment… -
Created a topic, Remote-Reply lightbox, on the site Forums:
Hi! Where can I read more about how this works? I can'… -
Posted a reply to Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
Well at least you tried and that's already a lot! Thanks a million! I'm gonna… -
Posted a reply to Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
Terrific news!!!! I look forward to hear back again! Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
All right! Thanks a lot for your time! -
Posted a reply to Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
They tell me this: As I understand it, there is a problem with accessing the… -
Posted a reply to Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
Oh, bad news then. Is there anything I could tell to the tech support so… -
Created a topic, Not working on Siteground servers, on the site Forums:
Hi! I have my blog on Siteground servers - https://com… -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t work at all, on the site Forums:
Nah, it doesn't work either... The RewriteEngine is on by default with the Siteground Optimizer… -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t work at all, on the site Forums:
Thanks! Do you know what exactly should I ask to the hoster? -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t work at all, on the site Forums:
Hi! After the launch today of the 1.0 version of the plugin I was hoping… -
Created a topic, Serious bug uploading images on 3.18.0, on the site Forums:
Hi! When you upload a picture via a ACF Frontend Fo… -
Created a topic, Frontend graph with tags, on the site Forums:
I'm looking for the very same thing as this threadhttp… -
Posted a reply to Block contains unexpected code, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the answer! What's weird is that it happens after weeks or months has… -
Created a topic, Block contains unexpected code, on the site Forums:
Hi, It happens in my page that from time to time th…