@colinleroy on, @Colin Leroy-Mira on Slack
- Member Since: January 12th, 2006
- Website:
- GitHub: colinleroy
Contribution History
colinleroy’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Mentioned in [59493] on Core SVN:
Embeds: ensure correct thumbnail height. -
Submitted pull request #7422 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Fix thumbnail height on embeds. -
Created ticket #62094 on Core Trac:
/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed returns too big thumbnail_url -
Posted a reply to PHP Warnings: Undefined property & foreach() must be of type, on the site Forums:
Oh, once again I get bitten by the fact one has to update the version… -
Committed [3146255] to Plugins SVN:
Fix release -
Posted a reply to PHP Warnings: Undefined property & foreach() must be of type, on the site Forums:
Hi there, This should now be fixed! -
Committed [3143158] to Plugins SVN:
Release -
Committed [3143155] to Plugins SVN:
Fix issue #2 -
Created a topic, Perfect, on the site Forums:
Lightweight and privacy-respecting. -
Committed [2970238] to Plugins SVN:
Release 1.1.3 -
Committed [2970237] to Plugins SVN:
Bump tested up to, and remove useless notice -
Wrote a comment on the post Call for Testing: Performant Translations, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'm sorry, I consider this to be not good enough. No plugin: 1.09s 9.9MB 0.04s… -
Committed [2900741] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 6.2 -
Committed [2900740] to Plugins SVN:
Tested with 6.2 -
Committed [2818771] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 6.1.1 -
Posted a reply to Is it possible to trigger ActivityPub to reflect changes to post?, on the site Forums:
Hi! I wondered that too, and after a look at the source and a quick… -
Committed [2777057] to Plugins SVN:
Fix missing method -
Committed [2748143] to Plugins SVN:
Play nicer with other override_load_textdomain callers -
Committed [2748095] to Plugins SVN:
Cleaner loading, fix missing debug headers -
Posted a reply to Combining with “faster load text domain”, on the site Forums:
Hi Knut, Thanks for the research on this ! I'm very unsure if/how one can… -
Posted a reply to Fast & Friendly, on the site Forums:
Thank you for the kind words, Carsten! -
Committed [2746931] to Plugins SVN:
Fix a warning, thanks to Alexis Bietti -
Committed [2744506] to Plugins SVN:
Clearer description -
Committed [2744505] to Plugins SVN:
Clearer description -
Posted a reply to headers already sent in …, on the site Forums:
(Marking as resolved) -
Committed [2744501] to Plugins SVN:
Better debug when gettext is not enabled -
Posted a reply to Not so good, on the site Forums:
Hi Knut, In which language do you see Dashboard and Appearance untranslated ? I have… -
Posted a reply to headers already sent in …, on the site Forums:
Hi Carsten, Thanks, nice catch. I've implemented something resembling your proposition in 1.0.5 ! Happy… -
Committed [2744495] to Plugins SVN:
Use a better way to send headers thanks to Carsten Bach -
Committed [2736435] to Plugins SVN:
Relase 1.0.4 (test up to WP 6.0) -
Committed [2685439] to Plugins SVN:
Add donation link -
Committed [2685381] to Plugins SVN:
Symlink if possible instead of copying -
Committed [2685321] to Plugins SVN:
Fix format -
Committed [2685316] to Plugins SVN:
Fix mixup -
Committed [2685312] to Plugins SVN:
Add notice if locale is not supported -
Committed [2685267] to Plugins SVN:
Fix whitespace in readme -
Committed [2685266] to Plugins SVN:
Release 1.0.0 -
Committed [2685264] to Plugins SVN:
First import -
Created a topic, Very nice basis, on the site Forums:
This theme looked really good to me, but had some defa… -
Posted a reply to Product Save Times Out to 502 Error, on the site Forums:
Thanks Matt for your add_filter suggestion. It works :) I've opened an issue on Woocommerce's… -
Posted a reply to Cannot update products since last update, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the pointers :) The add_filter workaround suggested by Matt on solves the…
Native Gettext for Wordpress
Active Installs: 50+
Minimal Share Buttons
Active Installs: 100+