Closed ticket #40995 on Core Trac:
Customizer section header jumps around and gets in the way. -
Created ticket #40995 on Core Trac:
Customizer section header jumps around and gets in the way. -
Created ticket #36841 on Core Trac:
Values in Customizer overridden if slug starts with 'widget_' -
Committed [1416328] to Plugins SVN:
updated buttons internationalization -
Committed [1416323] to Plugins SVN:
Internationalized Button Titles -
Committed [1415851] to Plugins SVN:
1.03 -
Committed [1415850] to Plugins SVN:
Removed orphaned JavaScript from styling.js, added missing image -
Committed [1415830] to Plugins SVN:
Internationalized mcelibrary.js -
Committed [1415790] to Plugins SVN:
Removed note for VisualMods in live readme.txt -
Committed [1415750] to Plugins SVN:
Changed Text Domain -
Committed [1415745] to Plugins SVN:
Added Internationalization -
Committed [1415744] to Plugins SVN:
Added Internationalization -
Committed [1415731] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Installation Instructions -
Committed [1415726] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Contributors -
Committed [1415725] to Plugins SVN:
Added Icons -
Committed [1415708] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1415690] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt and added screenshots -
Committed [1415670] to Plugins SVN:
Update Banner -
Committed [1415663] to Plugins SVN:
Update Banner -
Committed [1415657] to Plugins SVN:
Update Banner -
Committed [1415650] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Banner Images -
Committed [1415641] to Plugins SVN:
Added Banner Image -
Committed [1415592] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [1414986] to Plugins SVN:
Removed orphaned code -
Committed [1414984] to Plugins SVN:
Removed orphaned code -
Committed [1414914] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Contributors -
Committed [1414909] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Contributors -
Committed [1414874] to Plugins SVN:
updated title -
Committed [1414866] to Plugins SVN:
Update Title -
Released a new plugin, VisualMods
Committed [1414854] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Created ticket #33146 on Core Trac:
Add optional $name variable to theme_mod_$name Filter.