@classifiedswp on
- Member Since: March 7th, 2016
Contribution History
classifiedswp’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Best Way To Separate Country, on the site Forums:
@louisderry, if you're not a developer this is not something you can do easily. Here… -
Posted a reply to Possible bulk upload?, on the site Forums:
@michaelbackline, at this time, there's not bulk upload. You can use the default WP import… -
Posted a reply to Notification of Ad Submission, on the site Forums:
@wishbone42, at this time, there are no notifications. We're considering some new features including notifications.… -
Posted a reply to Error upload image, on the site Forums:
@en10, you can only see the images you've uploaded. If you're an admin, you can… -
Posted a reply to Unable to change detail page permalink, on the site Forums:
@mfarhanakram, Paste this code to your theme 'functions.php'; add_filter( 'register_post_type_classified_listing', 'my_cwp_post_type' ); function my_cwp_post_type( $args… -
Posted a reply to Phone number disformatted, on the site Forums:
@mrswease, thanks for reporting and the suggested fix. -
Posted a reply to Problem to see a classified item, on the site Forums:
@emanuelcelano, where are you getting this error? -
Posted a reply to Disable RSS, on the site Forums:
@renardv, here's an article that should help you with that. -
Posted a reply to Images are displayed wrong, on the site Forums:
@mblacklin, thanks for the details. Can you provide the original image link or the size… -
Posted a reply to Filter by price, by other fields, on the site Forums:
@mexanikkmm, we don't have an official release schedule for those features and similar features may… -
Posted a reply to Endpoind problem when WP Job Manager is also active, on the site Forums:
Not yet @roscabgdn, but expect an update soon. Thank you for your patience. -
Posted a reply to SHOW CATEGORIES in POSTS and LISTS, on the site Forums:
@jonhallla, future updates should display the categories/types under the box that currently shows the listing… -
Posted a reply to Feature request. Show category in post., on the site Forums:
@welderpw, @jonhallla, ClassifiedsWP is bundled with a widget that can show Categories or Types. You… -
Posted a reply to Remove input boxes, on the site Forums:
@Tradedog, @jonhallla, you can remove the inputs by editing the template file named classified-filters (under… -
Posted a reply to Images are displayed wrong, on the site Forums:
@mblacklin, can you provide an example of the image you're using or an example to… -
Posted a reply to Add an other fiels in the form, on the site Forums:
@bendaoud, since that can be difficult if you don't have some PHP knowledge we will… -
Posted a reply to Contact button doesn’t work in Chrome, on the site Forums:
@tenadv, have you tried using the default WP theme to see if you have the… -
Posted a reply to Endpoind problem when WP Job Manager is also active, on the site Forums:
@roscabgdn, we still don't have an official release date for the next release. We're trying… -
Posted a reply to Working only as admin role. Why?, on the site Forums:
@tenadv, you can use a plugin like User Role Editor and then give proper permissions… -
Posted a reply to Endpoind problem when WP Job Manager is also active, on the site Forums:
@roscabgdn, thanks for reporting! -
Posted a reply to Translation: Incomplete .pot file?, on the site Forums:
Just to make sure - what are you using to translate? or something like… -
Posted a reply to Images doesn’t delete after ad editing, on the site Forums:
This could be caching related - are you sure that you've deactivated all caching plugins?… -
Posted a reply to Translation: Incomplete .pot file?, on the site Forums:
@vortex666, translations are not lost between updates. Some wording might be changed which will require… -
Posted a reply to Remove Form Fields, on the site Forums:
@beezer26164, paste this code on your theme 'functions.php' to disable the fields in question: add_filter(… -
Posted a reply to Error on preview, on the site Forums:
@beezer2614, we've tried replicating your issue without success. Please check that you're running the latest… -
Posted a reply to Feature Request – Placeholder Image, on the site Forums:
Good idea, @schulz. Noted. We'll consider it :) Thank you for your suggestion! -
Posted a reply to Feature Request – CAPTCHA, on the site Forums:
That's definitely something we're considering. Thanks for the suggestion, @schulz. -
Posted a reply to Can’t read categories or type ad, on the site Forums:
@beezer26164, are you sure that's the correct link? -
Posted a reply to Can’t read categories or type ad, on the site Forums:
@beezer26164, we don't have control over how all the 3d party themes behave visually so… -
Posted a reply to Can’t read categories or type ad, on the site Forums:
@beezer26164, you should see a dropdown for choosing the ad type and category. If you… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode for display only one categorie in the results, on the site Forums:
@elssen, here's an example for showing only 'music' related listings: [classifieds categories="music"] The shortcode expects… -
Committed [1507436] to Plugins SVN:
updated test version -
Posted a reply to User Backend, on the site Support:
Dan, it uses the native WP backend. You can test it, i… -
Posted a reply to Edit names of fields, on the site Support:
@tradedog, for the font sizes you can just use CSS to … -
Committed [1424844] to Plugins SVN:
tagged 1.2 -
Committed [1424843] to Plugins SVN:
pushing 1.2 files -
Committed [1411259] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme -
Committed [1411257] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme -
Committed [1411252] to Plugins SVN:
updated to 1.1 -
Committed [1411251] to Plugins SVN:
preparing 1.1 files -
Committed [1395745] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme -
Committed [1369897] to Plugins SVN:
removed helper files; updated readme -
Committed [1369875] to Plugins SVN:
tagged 1.0 -
Committed [1369859] to Plugins SVN:
added main files -
Committed [1369826] to Plugins SVN: