@clabsvishnuprasad on
- Member Since: March 30th, 2019
- GitHub: vishnuixm
Committed [3141429] to Plugins SVN:
adding missing template and callback -
Committed [3141428] to Plugins SVN:
adding missing template -
Committed [3141407] to Plugins SVN:
cookie fixes for cached pages -
Committed [3137332] to Plugins SVN:
serverside user_id cookie implementation -
Committed [3112560] to Plugins SVN:
readme file changes -
Committed [2862092] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed javascritp variable conflict on cookie update -
Committed [2827552] to Plugins SVN:
plugin name changed from ActionRecorder to Customerlabs CDP -
Committed [2827508] to Plugins SVN:
plugin tested with latest version of wordpress -
Committed [2728289] to Plugins SVN:
fixes removed from cart event name -
Committed [2727774] to Plugins SVN:
handled duplicate purchase event triggers -
Committed [2673990] to Plugins SVN:
cookie issue fixes -
Committed [2673982] to Plugins SVN:
cookie issue fixes -
Committed [2673977] to Plugins SVN:
cookie issue fixes -
Committed [2656546] to Plugins SVN:
handling ajax events from frontend -
Committed [2642232] to Plugins SVN:
fixing user traits issue on facebook events -
Committed [2623781] to Plugins SVN:
updating version number -
Committed [2623775] to Plugins SVN:
fixing multiple events on ajax and pageload -
Committed [2582082] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 5.8 -
Committed [2582081] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 5.8 -
Committed [2582080] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed version number -
Committed [2582066] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed version number -
Committed [2582041] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed version number -
Committed [2582033] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed setting update issue -
Committed [2577817] to Plugins SVN:
enabled search event tracking -
Committed [2577640] to Plugins SVN:
enhanced woocommerce event tracking -
Committed [2065093] to Plugins SVN:
seprate woocommerce settings in different tab -
Committed [2065074] to Plugins SVN:
Name corrections -
Committed [2064995] to Plugins SVN:
settings to turn on off tracking -
Committed [2061347] to Plugins SVN:
code cleanup and bug fix -
Committed [2061004] to Plugins SVN:
code cleanup and bug fix -
Committed [2060794] to Plugins SVN:
banner images added -
Committed [2060768] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of ActionRecorder